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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »

I would be interested in a number of records led by Francesco's baptism information. Since he did not marry until he was in America I will not need those records for him.

But my main focus in Boretto now shifts from Francesco to his parents. I would be very interested in marriage information of Giovanni and Antonia. And since we believe that Antonia probably died between 1881 and 1886, I'd be curious whether or not Giovanni married Maria (Mary) in Boretto parish between those years.

I would also like to try and find baptism records for Giovanni and Antonia. Based on Francesco's birth certificate, MINGORI Giovanni would have been born in either 1835 or 1836. DOSI Antonia likely would have been born in 1842 or 1843.
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Re: Mingori

Post by suanj »

sumner wrote:I would be interested in a number of records led by Francesco's baptism information. Since he did not marry until he was in America I will not need those records for him.

But my main focus in Boretto now shifts from Francesco to his parents. I would be very interested in marriage information of Giovanni and Antonia. And since we believe that Antonia probably died between 1881 and 1886, I'd be curious whether or not Giovanni married Maria (Mary) in Boretto parish between those years.

I would also like to try and find baptism records for Giovanni and Antonia. Based on Francesco's birth certificate, MINGORI Giovanni would have been born in either 1835 or 1836. DOSI Antonia likely would have been born in 1842 or 1843.
Hi Randy, for your search:
-baptism act of Francesco are necessary write to old church of Boretto.. from to descover
-about Francesco parents, sure are an brother (I think) why, first name Francesco are equal to first name of Antonia's father, and normally the first son was called as Giovanni's father (paternal line).. Francesco probable are an brother Carlo first name...
-for this search are necessary to request an" Certificato Storico di Famiglia di Mingori Giovanni di Carlo classe 1835 circa nato a Boretto" to Boretto Common..(= Story Family certificate of Giovanni Mingori of Carlo born around 1835 in Boretto); if Boretto Common found and send you, you descover all data about Giovanni & Antonia and sons and daughters...
-for baptism Giovanni& Antonia, this is an second step, after that you have Certificato Storico di Famiglia...

You send this email(same mailto):
Spett.le Servizi Demografici
Comune di Boretto

Oggetto: Richiesta Certificato Storico di Famiglia di Mingori Giovanni nato a Boretto, classe 1835 circa, figlio di Mingori Carlo.

Spett.le Servizi Demografici,
mi chiamo Randy Sumner e sono cittadino statunitense di origini italiane.
A fine di ricostruire la mia storia di famiglia, con la presente cortesemente richiedo a codesto spett.le Servizi Demografici quanto in oggetto.
In attesa di riscontro ai sensi della L.241/90, è gradita l'occasione per porgere i più distinti saluti,
......(your name)
....your complete and exact address)
.....your mailto
:wink: Raffaella
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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »

I have e-mailed Monica Ciapparelli of the Comune di Boretto with the request for the Certificato Storico di Famiglia di Mingori Giovanni di Carlo. She has been very helpful with my other requests so I hope to receive a prompt response.

The name Carlo really caught my attention. There was a Carlo Mingori who was two years older than Giovanni who settled in Iowa in America just a few miles away from where Giovanni was recorded in the 1895 Iowa Census. It is likely he was Giovanni's brother. I know where he died and was buried in Iowa. I even know of one of his descendants who has done some research on Carlo's life in America.

I am also going to try and locate the address of the church in Boretto. It is a small town with a large cathedral that is several centuries old. So I am assuming that it is where I will find my answers.

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Re: Mingori

Post by suanj »

sumner wrote:I have e-mailed Monica Ciapparelli of the Comune di Boretto with the request for the Certificato Storico di Famiglia di Mingori Giovanni di Carlo. She has been very helpful with my other requests so I hope to receive a prompt response.

The name Carlo really caught my attention. There was a Carlo Mingori who was two years older than Giovanni who settled in Iowa in America just a few miles away from where Giovanni was recorded in the 1895 Iowa Census. It is likely he was Giovanni's brother. I know where he died and was buried in Iowa. I even know of one of his descendants who has done some research on Carlo's life in America.

I am also going to try and locate the address of the church in Boretto. It is a small town with a large cathedral that is several centuries old. So I am assuming that it is where I will find my answers.

Hi Randy:
for Certificato storico di Famiglia sure are necessary more time, why the search is more long in birth registry and are not index. But sure the Common reply you!
For Carlo, are most probabilities that was Francesco's brother.. In Italy, in years great emigration many brothers was emigrated!!
For church records, are very little probabilities that the priest reply you!!
But not impossible...
Many regards, Raffaella
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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »


I understand that it will take some for the Comune di Boretto to assemble the Certificato Storico di Famiglia di Mingori Giovanni di Carlo. I just was commenting on how helpful the lady in Boretto had been in processing and returning records tome thus far.

I have actually posted a copy of the birth certificate online for you to see directly on your own. Perhaps you can better identify the handwriting than me. Just go to this URL:

http://boards.ancestry.com/mbexec/attac ... oretto.jpg
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Re: Mingori

Post by suanj »

Hi Randy: from direct reading are only an double: age of Giovanni: 41 or 46?? are difficult...
this is exact reading in italian language and traslation:
Numero 38
Number 38(38number act)Mingori Francesco
@ Giovanni
Mingori Francesco son of Giovanni


L'anno milleottocentottantuno, addì undici di Aprile, a ore pomeridiane cinque e minuti nessuno, nella Casa Comunale.
year 1881, day 11 of April, to hours P.M. five and minutes nobody, in city hall

Avanti di me Panizzi Cav. (title of job's honour)Luigi, Perito Geometra, Assessore anziano, in mancanza del Sindaco Uffiziale dello Stato Civile del Comune di Boretto,

In my presence Panizzi Cav. Luigi, Perito Geometra (profession), old member of city hall, in absence of official Major of Stato Civile(common office) of Boretto Common

e comparso Mingori Giovanni fu Carlo, di anni quaranta|u/ quarantasei?(?41=quarantauno or 46?), Segantino, domiciliato in questo Comune,

it has been introduced Mingori Giovanni son of Carlo died, of age 41 or 46,sawer, resident in this Common

il quale mi ha dichiarato che alle ore antimeridiane sei e minuti nessuno, del dì undici del corrente mese,

that declared that to hours A.M. 6.00 and minutes nobody of day 11 month current

nella casa posta in via per Brescello al numero seicento ventotto,
in house in street for Brescello Common to number 628

Da sua moglie Dosi Antonia fu Francesco, di anni trentanove, Casalinga, seco lui convivente
from its wife Dosi Antonia daughter of Francesco died of age 39 housewoman (profession) and inhabitant with he

è nato un bambino di sesso maschile che egli mi presenta, e a cui dai nomidi Francesco, Alberto, Sante.
is born an child of male gender that he it introduces to me, and he call with first names Francesco(first name), Alberto(2° name), Sante(3° name)

A quanto sopra e a questo atto sono stati presenti quali testimoni Alberici Giovanni, di anni cinquantotto, Sagristo, e Saliani Luigi, di anni trentotto, Protocollista, entrambi residenti in questo Comune.

To this and to this act are present for witnesses Alberici Giovanni age 58, Sacristan and Saliani Luigi age 38 , writer in an office(probable in Common office), also resident in this Common

Letto il presente atto agl intervenuti, lo ha meco sottoscritto il solo testimonio Saliani a perchè tutti gli altri analfabeti =
Read this act to present persons, this act are signed only from witnesses Saliani why all other persons are illiterates

Salinni Luigi testimonio
(signature) Saliani Luigi witnesses
Panizzi color]
about Certificato Storico di Famiglia sure the Boretto Common send you !!!!

:wink: Raffaella
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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »

I am glad I was able to post the actual document. I'll try to do that again when I receive the Certificato Storico di Famiglia from Boretto.

I am now trying to get in touch with some of the others who have researched Mingoris. I feel we may be able to connect nearly all of the Mingoris in America through just a few common ancestors. Perhaps the Certificato Storico di Famiglia will provide some immediate links.

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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »

I finally located Giovanni and his family in the 1900 US Federal Census in Kansas. And it offered some information that clears up many of my questions.

The Mary Mingori listed in US records as Giovanni's wife is Antonia Dosi. She apparently chose to be called Mary while living in the United States. Based on the census listing, they were married in 1866.

It also lists Giovanni's birthdate as October 1834 with Antonia born in March of 1842.

This information probably would have helped the Comuni Di Boretto in putting together the Certificato Storico di Famiglia.

Would it be appropriate to e-mail this new information to the lady at the Common who is researching the record for me? If so, could you help me with the translation?

You have been a tremendous help, Raffaella. If you are ever in Texas you are always welcome to stay with my family. Grazie once again.
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Re: Mingori

Post by suanj »

sumner wrote:I finally located Giovanni and his family in the 1900 US Federal Census in Kansas. And it offered some information that clears up many of my questions.

The Mary Mingori listed in US records as Giovanni's wife is Antonia Dosi. She apparently chose to be called Mary while living in the United States. Based on the census listing, they were married in 1866.

It also lists Giovanni's birthdate as October 1834 with Antonia born in March of 1842.

This information probably would have helped the Comuni Di Boretto in putting together the Certificato Storico di Famiglia.

Would it be appropriate to e-mail this new information to the lady at the Common who is researching the record for me? If so, could you help me with the translation?

You have been a tremendous help, Raffaella. If you are ever in Texas you are always welcome to stay with my family. Grazie once again.
Hi Randy, great infos!!
send newly the email:
You send this email(same mailto):
Spett.le Servizi Demografici
Comune di Boretto

Oggetto: Richiesta Certificato Storico di Famiglia di Mingori Giovanni (paternità Carlo), nato a Boretto nell'Ottobre 1834 coniugata con Dosi Antonia (paternità Francesco) nata nel Marzo 1842.

Spett.le Servizi Demografici,
mi chiamo Randy Sumner e sono cittadino statunitense di origini italiane.
Ho inviato precedentemente al vs Ufficio la richiesta di Certificato Storico di Famiglia; ma, nel frattempo venuto a conoscenza di nuove e importanti informazioni relative agli anni di nascita dei summenzionati miei antenati: Mingori Giovanni e della moglie Dosi Antonia, è mia premura comunicare a codesto spett.le Ufficio tali precisazioni, come in oggetto della presente, al fine di facilitare l'espletamento della ricerca.

In attesa di riscontro ai sensi della L.241/90, è gradita l'occasione per porgere i più distinti saluti,
......(your name)
....your complete and exact address)
.....your mailto
Hi Randy, I happy for you, and I hope you in Italy sometime...Thanks for kindlest invite... again in contact for search, many regards, ciao(=hi), Raffaella
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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »

I have sent the information to the Comuni Di Boretto. Hopefully that will help speed her research.

We hope to visit Italia some time soon. Perhaps when our two small children get just a little bit older so they will appreciate it more.
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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »

I received the Certificato Storico di Famiglia of Giovanni Mingori today by e-mail from Boretto. Here is the reply first followed by the attached document:

In allegato si trasmette quanto reperito dalla consultazione dei registri di stato civile del Comune di Boretto.
L'ufficiale d'anagrafe e di stato civile delegato
Monica Ciapparelli


Prot. N. Boretto, 23/10/2004

Gentilissima Signora
5110 Wightman Court
HOUSTON Texas 77069

OGGETTO: Famiglia Mingori Giovanni

Con la presente si comunica quanto reperito dalla consultazione dei registri dello stato civile conservati presso l’archivio di stato civile di questo Comune:

MINGORI Giovanni ( altro nome Antonio) – di Carlo e Cantoni Antonia nato a Boretto il 28/10/1834 (l’atto è conservato presso l’archivio di stato civile del Comune di Brescello del cui territorio Boretto faceva parte in quel periodo)

coniugato il 17/04/1872 in Boretto con

DOSI Antonia ( o Maria Antonia )– di Francesco e Longhi Rosa nata a Boretto il 07/03/1842 (l’atto è conservato presso l’archivio di stato civile del Comune di Brescello del cui territorio Boretto faceva parte in quel periodo)


Mingori Claudio (altri nomi Ettore Arnaldo) – nato a Boretto il 12/06/1875

Mingori Romilda ( altri nomi Roberta Rosa) nata a Boretto il 31/05/1978

Mingori Francesco ( altri nomi Alberto Sante) nata a Boretto il 11/04/1881

Per quanto riguarda lo stato di famiglia l’ufficio scrivente non è in grado di fornire alcuna notizia in merito in quanto l’archivio storico non è informatizzato e l’indicizzazione dei registri delle schede di famiglia è appena iniziata.

Con osservanza.

L’ufficiale di stato civile
Monica Ciapparelli

I was actually surprised that Giovanni wasn't married to another woman before Antonia. I had hoped to link Giovanni to some other Mingoris whose mother died in 1865 giving birth to a son named Isaac. Is it possible she might have stopped looking back when she found the marriage of Giovanni and Antonia? Giovanni was 37 years old when he married Antonia so there certainly was time for him to be married prior to Antonia.

- Randy
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Re: Mingori

Post by suanj »

sumner wrote:I received the Certificato Storico di Famiglia of Giovanni Mingori today by e-mail from Boretto. Here is the reply first followed by the attached document:

In allegato si trasmette quanto reperito dalla consultazione dei registri di stato civile del Comune di Boretto.
L'ufficiale d'anagrafe e di stato civile delegato
Monica Ciapparelli


Prot. N. Boretto, 23/10/2004

Gentilissima Signora
5110 Wightman Court
HOUSTON Texas 77069

OGGETTO: Famiglia Mingori Giovanni

Con la presente si comunica quanto reperito dalla consultazione dei registri dello stato civile conservati presso l’archivio di stato civile di questo Comune:

MINGORI Giovanni ( altro nome Antonio) – di Carlo e Cantoni Antonia nato a Boretto il 28/10/1834 (l’atto è conservato presso l’archivio di stato civile del Comune di Brescello del cui territorio Boretto faceva parte in quel periodo)

coniugato il 17/04/1872 in Boretto con

DOSI Antonia ( o Maria Antonia )– di Francesco e Longhi Rosa nata a Boretto il 07/03/1842 (l’atto è conservato presso l’archivio di stato civile del Comune di Brescello del cui territorio Boretto faceva parte in quel periodo)


Mingori Claudio (altri nomi Ettore Arnaldo) – nato a Boretto il 12/06/1875

Mingori Romilda ( altri nomi Roberta Rosa) nata a Boretto il 31/05/1978

Mingori Francesco ( altri nomi Alberto Sante) nata a Boretto il 11/04/1881

Per quanto riguarda lo stato di famiglia l’ufficio scrivente non è in grado di fornire alcuna notizia in merito in quanto l’archivio storico non è informatizzato e l’indicizzazione dei registri delle schede di famiglia è appena iniziata.

Con osservanza.

L’ufficiale di stato civile
Monica Ciapparelli

I was actually surprised that Giovanni wasn't married to another woman before Antonia. I had hoped to link Giovanni to some other Mingoris whose mother died in 1865 giving birth to a son named Isaac. Is it possible she might have stopped looking back when she found the marriage of Giovanni and Antonia? Giovanni was 37 years old when he married Antonia so there certainly was time for him to be married prior to Antonia.

- Randy
Hi Randy not surprised you, In Italy this was many frequent... for many causes...
also my uncles was married after 30 old...
-MINGORI Giovanni , Antonio son of Carlo and Cantoni Antonia born in Boretto il 28/10/1834 married the 17/04/1872 in Boretto with DOSI Antonia ( or Maria Antonia )daughter of Francesco and Longhi Rosa born in Boretto the 07/03/1842 :
sons and daughter:
-Mingori Claudio , Ettore, Arnaldo born inBoretto the 12/06/1875

-Mingori Romilda, Roberta, Rosa born in Boretto the 31/05/1978

-Mingori Francesco, Alberto, Sante born in Boretto the 11/04/1881....
regards, suanj
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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »

I have ordered some LDS microfilms for Boretto that might possibly answer these questions. Once again, I can't begin to tell you how much help you have been. Researching information in Italy is very different than here in the United States. I was lost before you came to my rescue.

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Re: Mingori

Post by suanj »

sumner wrote:I have ordered some LDS microfilms for Boretto that might possibly answer these questions. Once again, I can't begin to tell you how much help you have been. Researching information in Italy is very different than here in the United States. I was lost before you came to my rescue.

Hi Randy, for my experience, I know that the informations of italian descendants in foreign Countries are different that in Italy, for many causes, but the italian documents are sure...
many regards, suanj
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Re: Mingori

Post by sumner »


I received a second e-mail from Boretto this morning. And as I suspected, it appears Giovanni did have a marriage before Antonia:


Oggetto: Mingori Giovanni – Boretto 28/10/1834

Con la presente si comunica quanto reperito dalla consultazione delle schede di famiglia conservate presso l’archivio di questo Comune:

Mingori Giovanni – Carlo e Cantoni Antonia- Boretto 28/10/1834

coniugato in prime nozze con

Tosi Maria – di Luigi e Re Lucia – nata a Boretto il 14/08/1835, deceduta a Boretto il 16/11/1870


* Mingori Daniele – Boretto 27/02/1858 –
* Mingori Adelmo – Boretto 20/02/1861 deceduto a Boretto il 01/09/1861
* Mingori Carlo – Boretto 04/04/1864 – deceduto a Boretto il 02/06/1873
* Mingori Diomira – Boretto 25/04/1866
* Mingori Iraide – Boretto 07/09/1868 – deceduta a Boretto il 07/09/1869
* Mingori Iraide – Boreto 11/04/1870 – deceduta a Boretto il 08/09/1877

coniugato in seconde nozze con

Dosi Antonia – di Francesco e Longhi Rosa – nata a Boretto il 07/03/1842


* Mingori Artemia – Boretto 30/11/1872- deceduta a Boretto il 08/12/1872
* Mingori Claudio –Boretto 12/06/1875 – deceduto a Boretto il 26/05/1878
* Mingori Romilde – Boretto 31/05/1878
* Mingori Francesco – Boretto 11/04/1881.

La famiglia composta da Mingori Giovanni, Mingori Daniele, Mingori Diomira , Dosi Antonia , Mingori Romilde e Mingori Francesco risultano emigrati in America nel giugno 1886.

Con osservanza.


Wow! This connects many of the Mingori immigrants that I have been tracking.

- Randy
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