Need translation help on hard to read documents

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Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by wldcard »

I have been trying to trace back my family history and I have been able to go as far back as my first relatives to come to America. Now I am trying to trace their roots in Italy. I have come across these documents that my uncle had obtained a few years ago, but I am having a little trouble reading them, and I can not read Italian. Since everyone in my family who knew anything about the family in Italy is gone now, this seems to be all that I have to go on. Can anyone help me?



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Re: Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by pischionet »

these are a lot of documents from the municipality of Brusciano a place near naples.
The firs one is about the birth of Porcaro Carmine son of Porcaro Pietro and Filomena. (i can't read the surname of the mother)
He was born in the 1866 the 14th of july at 10:00pm
The second one is about the birth of D'Auria Maria. She was born in Brusciano but the date isn't readable. Her father was D'Auria Carmine and the mother was Monda Teresa.
The tirdh is the wedding documents of Porcaro Carmine (age 21) and D'Auria Maria (also 21). The wedding was the 5th april 1888.
Sorry for my bad english.
Pischio from Milan Italy
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Re: Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by wldcard »

Wow! 8O Does this mean that both of my Great Grandparents were born and married in Brusciano? This goes against all of the stories that I have been told over the years. We were always told that my Great Grandmother (Maria D'auria) was Italian but was born in Corsica. Now I am very intrigued. Any suggestions on where I should start? I would lioke to learn more about their Parents and/or siblings.

I know Carmine and Maria had two children in Italy before coming to the states.
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Re: Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by pischionet »

Yes born and married in Brusciano. Corsica is a french island.
You have to contact the municipality of Brusciano and ask them if is it possible to know the name of the sons.
it's the first step
good luck
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Re: Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by pischionet »

Sorry but i forget that you don't speack italian. Write a mail to this address:
this is the mail of the registry office of brusciano
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Re: Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by Tessa78 »

Hello :-)

Here are some form letter for writing to Italy for records... ... tters.html

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Re: Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by wldcard »

Thanks to everyone for all of your help. Because of all of you help I was able to find many more ancestors. It appears that I am related to to Francesco Saverio Porcaro and I found his name on a website detailing the history of municipality of Brusciano. would some one beable tot ranslate teh below for me?

ltro importante monumento è la vecchia Sede Comunale, sita in via Semmola, con il Circolo degi anziani al piano terra ed altri locali al piano superiore, in parte sede della Pro Loco, fu acquistata dal Comune di Brusciano il 12 settembre 1837. Il Sindaco di allora, Michele Cassano, in carica dal 1835 al 1840, ne ottenne la proprietà, con l'autorizzazione di Ferdinando di Borbone e il pagamento di 400 Ducati a favore di Francesco Saverio Porcaro. L'immobile venne destinato a Casa Comunale e sede del Corpo delle Guardie e per oltre un secolo fu destinato a tale uso. Vico Tre SantiNel 1874 risultavano impiegati: un segretario, un vice segretario ed un servente comunale e regolatore del pubblico orologio. Come salariati vi erano: il custode del camposanto, il predicatore quaresimale, l'organista, il sagrestano, il maestro, la maestra, l'infermiere ed il medico condotto.
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Re: Need translation help on hard to read documents

Post by Pahio »

Not sure you still want this translation, but I wanted to keep up to speed with my so-so Italian and came up with the following translation:
The below paragraph comes from an Italian website describing the features of Brusciano, Italy

Another important landmark is the old municipal office (town hall) located on Semmola Street, with the Circle of the ancients/seniors on the lower floor and other places on the upper floor, part of the Pro Loco (a section of the town hall building), was acquired from the Town of Bursciano (in the southern province of Campagna) the 12th of September, 1837. The Mayor then, Michaele Cassano, in office from 1835 to 1840, obtained the property, with the authorization of Ferdinando of Bourbon (King of Two Sicilies, i.e. Italy at the time) and the payment of 400 ducati (currency of the time) on behalf of Francesco Saverio Porcaro. The item of real estate was intended to be Community House (Hall) and place (office) of the (local) guards and for more than a century was as it was used. (At) Vico Tre Santi (a side road) in 1874 there were (the following) employees: a secretary, a vice secretary, and a public servant and controller of the public clock. As wage-earning employees there were the keeper of the cemetery, the Lent preacher, the organist, the sexton, the teacher (male), the teacher (female), the nurse, and the local authority doctor."
Transl. by Jack Eitelgeorge
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