Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

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Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Axel »

I've been trying to find my closest Italian ancestor in order to ask for an Italian citizenship, and turns out it's my great-great grandparents, as both were born in Italy.

Now the thing is, I can get the rest of the documentation here in Argentina (all birth/marriage/death certificates) with a little bit of guesswork regarding the dates and annoying the guys at the civil registry, but I'm in a bit of a bind with both their birth and marriage certificates.

I have an approximate date for both births (down to two years), but I don't know where in Italy they were born, and whether they got married over there or here in Argentina (no date for the marriage, not even approximate).

If I could know at least which Comune they were from I could start writing them, but unfortunately nobody from that side of the family is alive and I haven't been able to find any info regarding that.

The information I have is this:

Cesareo (or Cesario) Rosaspini
Born: Either 1838 or 1837 (He was 31 in 1869) in Italy.

Maria Parodi
Born: 1848 or 1847 (she was 21 in 1869) in Italy.

From whan I've been able to gather, their firstborn was Antonio Luis Benito Rosaspini, here in Argentina, the 3rd of April 1869, so I'm assuming they got married before that but, again, I don't know whether it was here or back in Italy.

I have the rest of the names of the family (down the line) if it's of any use.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Tessa78 »

Hello Alex, and welcome ! :-)

The Rosaspini name exists today in Italy in very small numbers in the Lombardi region in the north.

There are 7 lisitings for Rosaspini in the Italian Phone Book in Lombardia. You may want to look for Rosaspini in other regions...
Chi/cosa = put in surname
Dove = put in the region you want to check.

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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by PeterTimber »

Axel you can get in touch with www.CEMLA.COM/busqueda.html in Buenos Aires for your family immigation files and their place of birth in Italy.
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Axel »

Thanks to both of you for taking the time to answer.

I think I'm going to start writing some emails to the comunes where the surname still exists today, seems the most logical point to start. Thanks for the heads up!

I tried looking in the CEMLA page, but I'm not getting any hits on "Rosaspini"... there are 4 "Rosaspina" coincidences, so that may be worth a look, but from what the page says, they keep records from 1882 onwards, and seeing as I have a birth certificate from 1868 with them already here, I'm not sure It's going to be of much help. =/
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by PeterTimber »

If so then your better off sending multiple letters to the various towns as Tessa suggested since there is no charge for documents and its a viable ldead. =Peter=
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Ceranesi »

Hi Axel,
English or Spanish?
1. Almost every Parodi are registered in: Iglesia San Juan Evangelista (La Boca)
2. The majority of them came from: Comune Genova, Comune Ceranesi, Comune Campomorone. But, still you can find them in Comuni nearby. (i.e. Paravanico, Torbi, Larvego, Langasco, Minanego, Serra rico, etc, etc.

I would do what I already did:
La boca. Call them first. I guess it's open in the mornings. You can check every book (you have to pay for the copy). I highly recommend give them some money for charity....10 or 20 dollars...they are goning to be friendlier.
Good luck.
Ah!!! Many of those records are in LDS on line!!!!
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Axel »

Susana, thanks for your answer.

I'm from Argentina, so Spanish, but I'll stick to English in case anyone has any other info.

I'll try and give them a call, see if they can dig something up. I'm betting they actually got married in Flores (San José de Flores), as all of their sons were baptised there.

If by "LDS online" you mean Family Search, that's how I found them in the first place, but unfortunately I only got as far as my great-grandfather's baptism and his parents' names. As they are the ones from Italy, I need to get the marriage certificate first and then look for their birth certificate. This is going to take a while.

Thanks for your help, I'll see if I can dig anything up in La Boca in the meanwhile.
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Ceranesi »

Axel, los registros de la boca estan on-line (microfilmados). Podes verlos uno mx uno. No te quedes solo con los datos de tu GGF, busca los bautismos de los hermanos, primos, tios, casamientos, etc. Algunos curas escribian solo "Italia", pero otros el nombre de la comuna. No te olvides q el 95% de los italianos q entraron a mediados de siglo, lo hicieron x la Boca. Recien a despues de los 80 empezaron a dispersarse.
Ah!!! Maria Parodi fue la madrina de uno de los hermanos de mi habia olvidado....Ellos eran de la Comuna de Ceranesi....Una vez intente rastrearla pero no me acuerdo q paso. Queria saber si era la hermana/prima de mi GGF. Tambien mi GGGM era Maria Parodi de la comuna de Ceranesi (casada con Giuseppe Parodi). Creo q nunca fue para Arg.
Si necesitas algo +....
Susana Parodi Dall'Orso
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Ceranesi »

Otra Cosa
Maria Parodi la madrina de una tia-abuela llamada Ma.Clelia Teresa Parodi, tenia 29 anios el 2/oct/1978 o sea que nacio en el........48. Bingo! Si averiguas algo + avisame, es una punta suelta q tengo.

Vos so q tenes suerte!!!!
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Axel »

Buenísimo, gracias por la información.

Mañana voy a ir a la iglesia de Flores (donde bautizaron a todos los hijos por lo que veo), a ver si se casaron ahi tambien. De paso pido los datos de los otros hermanos a ver si alguno puso la comuna.

Sabés cuál es la página para ver lo de la boca? Porque encontré esta: pero no figura mi apellido ahi (tampoco parecido, busque a mano en las R).

PD = La María Parodi que estoy buscando yo nació en 1847 o 1848... así que dudo que sea la misma.
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Ceranesi »

Aca va. Ojo que no siempre se puede abrir... ... rroquiales &columns=*,0,0

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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Axel »

Bueno, encontré a todos! :D

No estaban en lo de la boca de todos modos, pero vi que estaba los registros de San José de Flores y me pusé a buscar a mano (a ojo sabiendo cuándo habían tenido el primer hijo) y enganché la partida de casamiento.

Ahora estoy buscando las de defunción, que tienen datos de procedencia (ciudad/region) del país, si engancho eso solamente necesitaría escribirle a la comuna y conseguir la de nacimiento de allá y estaría hecho.

Ojalá estén. Mil gracias, Susana, me salvaste! :lol:
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Ceranesi »

Y de que comuna era? Contame quien era para ver si es la Maria q me falta.
No te quiero pinchar el globo pero....ojo q si nacio antes del 61...te van a pedir q demuestres q entro despues de esa fecha (1861 Unificazione Italiana)
Cuando vayas al Consulado contame q paso. Yo presente los papeles aca en USA en 2002 y todavia no me salio por ese tema del 1861. Ahora parece q estan un poco + blandos. Diec q esta todo listo y que solo me resta esperar.
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Axel »

No encontré la comuna todavía, en la partida de matrimonio no dice el de ninguno de los dos... estoy viendo si encuentro las de defunción a ver si lo dice.

Nacieron los dos antes de 1861... y la verdad no tengo la menor idea de como demostrarlo, no pude ubicar nada de registros de barcos ni similar.
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Re: Rosaspini / Parodi Marriage and births.

Post by Ceranesi »

Axel, el acmino no es facil pero...atti de cresima (acto de confirmacion), registro de escolaridad, hospital, castastro, cualquier cosa posterior a 1861.
Primero erciorate en el consulado;l capaz que no lo necesitas. Hay una nota q te emiten en el CEMLA (es lo q presente) testificando que no encontraron la entrada. Una vez una gestora me dijo q eso podia se, ahora hay q esperar.
Si se te ocurre otra cosa, avisame.
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