NY Consulate timeline

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NY Consulate timeline

Post by Nocta »

I have an appointment at NY consulate in March to submit all of my paperwork (finally!). Does anyone know approximately how long it now takes the NY consulate to process applications? Any inofrmation/tips would be greatly appreciated.
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Re: NY Consulate timeline

Post by micheleantonio »

After the years 2000-2003, I finally gave up as they seemed incapable of using basic logic and recommending a lawyer that only took my money and did not do anything for a year. I ended up going through two changes in the citizenship department and about six different appointments. So beware! When the lawyer actually did do something his actions showed a distinct lack of knowledge of New York State Law and precedent. In my case as in many others who are trying to go through their grandparents there are many errors in the paperwork that you are required to submit. Do you have everything in order and are there any errors? I truly hope you have better luck than I.
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