Searching Raffaele CANDIDO descendents in USA

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Re: Searching Raffaele CANDIDO descendents in USA

Post by ccav »

Laura, thank you for the link so I can read about the search from the beginning. It's amazing! I wish I could have found this sooner. I have periodically searched online, but never came across this. Unfortunately, I can't read or speak Italian (have been meaning to learn). I'm also interested in looking into dual citizenship. Some day I would like to visit Italy with my son, but should learn some Italian first. I don't want to lose our culture, especially for my son. I'm going to use an online translation service or get a friend to help me with all of this. My sister received a letter today from our relative in Italy. Since we live together, I was able to read it.

Again, thank you.

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Re: Searching Raffaele CANDIDO descendents in USA

Post by pink67 »

You're welcome Cindy...
I hope that you can understand our "italian" search from december and tell Jaco what's right or wrong in the records...
Tell us if you need help for the translation... even if I'm sure that Jaco will explain everything to you very soon!

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Re: Searching Raffaele CANDIDO descendents in USA

Post by jaco »

Cindy hello, I am called Giuseppe (Pino call me) you do not know how happy I am to know that I have found I have to say that propio pink and suanj are legendary, you must excuse me but only now I read all the news
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