Trying to trace village in Italy

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
Moriconi _Dubini
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Joined: 06 Apr 2015, 15:38

Re: Trying to trace village in Italy

Post by Moriconi _Dubini »

I also have relatives from the Province of Lucca, and have been able to find out a lot because four sons and one daughter emigrated to Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The family name is Moriconi. The parents were Giovanni Battista Moriconi and Albina Guidgli. The four sons born between 1873 and 1892 are Antonio, Guiseppe, Pietro and Luigi. The daughter who emigrated was Teresa Moriconi born in 1889. Pietro returned to Italy with his wife Maria Tardelli, son Silvio, and son Giorgio. A daughter Anna Maria was born in Italy. Her husband;' surname is Trifiletti and they lived in Gallicano. Giorgio was sent back to Cincinnati Ohio when he was 14 in 1937 because that is the year that Mussolini instituted the Gioventù Italiana del Littorio.

One daughter of Giovanni Battista Moriconi and Albina Guidugli, Maria Moriconi never emigrated. This is where I am stuck because there are no records from Toscana that have been indexed. I know Maria was still alive but very old on Dec. 15, 1944, several days before the Battle of Calomini, because she is in a family photo that depicts Pietro Moriconi, Maria Tardelli, Vittorio Moriconi who moved back to Italy after serving in WWII for the Allies, Silvio Moriconi and wife Elena Pomponi, and children Pietro Moriconi and Maria Grazia. Elena Pomponi is still alive, age 104, and living in Gallicano with her daughter Alba born around 1946 as she is seen as a baby in the arms of her mother Elena in the July 17, 1946 wedding photo of Vittorio Moriconi and Virginia Guiduli at the church S. Tommaso apostolo in Calomini.

I am wondering if my great grandmother's sister Maria Moriconi is the same Maria Moriconi who married Angelo Viviani, as Viviani is a surname associated with the Garfagnana. There is a Facebook group for the Garafagnese where many Italian relatives can be found.

There are many families from the Garfagana who emigrated to Cincinnati, Ohio, because Antonio Moriconi and Davide Guidugli had a business called Moriconi Statuary making gesso figurines and they employed people from Calomini, Mollazuna, Gallicano and Coreglia Antelminelli.

Those surnames are Tognarelli, Angeli, Guidugli, Battaglia, De Michelis and Monti. in Vergemoli,

The daughter of Vittorio Moriconi and Virginia Guidugli Maria and son Gianluigi still live in Calomini. They operate a restaurant called Il Volpino in Vergemoli.
Posts: 1
Joined: 20 Apr 2020, 00:00

Re: Trying to trace village in Italy

Post by ShannonBiagiGordon »

My family from my dads side are Biagis. My grandad changed it to Gordon
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