Looking for Chicco, Congedi, Ugo and Zaro surnames

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Looking for Chicco, Congedi, Ugo and Zaro surnames

Post by Viviana »

Hi I'm looking for any connections with the above surnames in Isola D'Istria and Trieste.

Also Congedi in Melissano, La Puglia region.

I'm at a stand still in ancestry.com and family search. Can't find marriage records or birth and death.

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Re: Looking for Chicco, Congedi, Ugo and Zaro surnames

Post by peonygirl »

Hi. Have you looked at Antenati Italian Archives? http://www.antenati.san.beniculturali.it/

Give it a try. You can look directly for names or you can look by area. First names help, as well as even a guess at date of birth or death, so the database can give you information that might point to the right person you are looking for.

For instance, here is a link to the name search - http://dl.antenati.san.beniculturali.it ... ch%5D=name

You will need a first name, last name, what are you searching for (birth, marriage or death), and the area in which you suspect they lived. Lastly, it helps to give even an approximate date of birth, marriage or death, and it might help to add in the limit to which you are searching.

It may be that you need to look via area - or in the case of Italy - province. If the records are not digitalized yet, you can still look at the birth acts, marriage acts, or death acts and try to find these folks. Good luck with you search!
Always Searching....
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