Experience with Catasto Provvisorio Terreni in Caserta?

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Experience with Catasto Provvisorio Terreni in Caserta?

Post by vairanoPatenora »

The Caserta State Archives has a record collection called the "Catasto Provvsorio Terreni" that seems to have a detailed record of land ownership in the Caserta region, with land use records, land sales, and property values, from the early 1800s to the 1920s.

Has anyone here consulted these records? Did you find them useful?

A couple of my paternal ancestors from the early to mid 1800s in Vairano Patenora were listed as "possidente" in some records, meaning they owned land. I'm hoping to learn more about the nature of their land ownership. My 4x-great-grandfather was a tailor - perhaps these land records would provide details about the tailor shop he might have owned and operated.

https://ascaserta.beniculturali.it/file ... isorio.pdf
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