Antonio Baldassarre historical figure?

As a nation state, Italy has emerged only in 1871. Until then the country was politically divided into a large number of independant cities, provinces and islands. The currently available evidences point out to a dominant Etruscan, Greek and Roman cultural influence on today's Italians.
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Joined: 19 Sep 2016, 22:51

Antonio Baldassarre historical figure?

Post by Vivs »

I've a great^3 grandfather called Domenico Antonio Baldassarre Benedetti
Also a few other ancestors named similarly.
Just found a Giusseppe Antoinio Baldassarre Confalone
http://www.antenati.san.beniculturali.i ... ewsIndex=0

unrelated (as far as I know) but from the same region.
Since MOST children in the region seem to just have a single name, it makes me think that Antonio Baldassarre must be some local celebrity, or saint?

Does anyone know the name?
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