Last name misspelled at entry to country, advice? One and the same?

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Last name misspelled at entry to country, advice? One and the same?

Post by Valicore »

Hello friends,

I have just found out that my father is most likely eligible to apply for citizenship by descent in a 1948 case via his paternal grandmother's parents. The huge problem I've run into is that, apparently, his great-grandfather's last name was, in fact, Carnese, but the agents in the US spelled the name Gairnese, and they used this for their names in the US and the names of their kids as well. Getting every single document amended would be almost impossible, and it was suggested to me that I could get a "one and the same" declaration from a judge. Has anyone done this? I live in California, and my Dad's great grandfather died in California, but apparently came through the Port of New Orleans, and I have a manifest that lists him as "Antonino Carnese" - this in itself is an inconsistency because his name was Antonio, and he was variously known as Antonino, Anthony, and Tony here in the US. Has anyone managed a case with this sort of name mess? How did you do it?

Thank you!

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