Resteghini & Bertorelli's in South Wales

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Resteghini & Bertorelli's in South Wales

Post by maston86 »

Hi there,

I'm tracing back my family history and I've hit a brick wall, so I thought I'd come here to see if anyone can offer any help!

My great grandparents were from Italy; Lazzaro Resteghini & Tereza Bertorelli. I think they came over to South Wales, UK, between 1914 and 1919. I currently have their death records, as well as the birth certificate for my grandmother (Gina Resteghini). However I am looking for their Italian birth records and marriage records, also possibly my great grandfathers military record. I can't seem to find anything online. I've tried searching just the surnames, just the first names. I've tried different spellings of the surnames and first names as well.

There was a large Italian population that emigrated to South Wales from Bardi, Italy. So I do plan on contacting the commune when the current corona virus situation calms down.

My Great Grandparents had three daughters; the eldest Maria, middle child Gina (my grandmother), and youngest Cristina. I have confirmed birth records for Gina and Cristina, but can't find any for Maria which leads me to believe she was born in Italy, and that the three of them emigrated to the UK after she was born (in 1914) but before my grandmother Gina was born (in 1919).

Any help would be fantastic!

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Re: Resteghini & Bertorelli's in South Wales

Post by mmogno »

Emilio Lussu: “Che ne sarebbe della civiltà del mondo, se l’ingiusta violenza si potesse sempre imporre senza resistenza?” 🇺🇦 Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦 🇮🇱תחי ישראל🇮🇱
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