Volpin & Sartorato from Veneto

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Volpin & Sartorato from Veneto

Post by volpin »


I am looking for clues/sources regarding two family members both from the region of Veneto:

1] (Anna) Pasqua SARTORATO who we think was born in/around Bovolenta, Padova around 1869-1872.
She emigrated with her family (father, mother, brother, brother's wife, brother's son/nephew) to Brazil in 1888.
I would need her birth certificate.

2] Paolo VOLPIN as he should have died after Oct-1866 when the Veneto region became part of Italy, as my GGF was born there in 1853 (before it was Italy). He should have been born in/around Ceregnano, Rovigo around
His son emigrated to Brazil but (we think) he stayed in Italy as his daughter died in Adria, Rovigo in 1921 at 75.
I would need his death certificate.

My last Italian born family members (on my fathers side)
GGF: Giovanni VOLPIN - Born in Ceregnano, Rovigo, Italy in 1853 & Died in Brazil
GGM: (Anna) Pasqua SARTORATO - Born in/around Bovolenta, Padova, Italy around 1869-1872 & Died in Brazil

Parents GGF
GGGF: Paolo VOLPIN - Born in/around Ceregnano, Rovigo, Italy & Died in Italy
GGGM: Teresa CAPPATO - Born in Italy & Died in Italy

Parents GGM
GGGF: Antonio SARTORATO - Born in/around Bovolenta, Padova, Italy around 1825 & Died in Brazil
GGGM: Anna FERRO - Born in Italy in around 1827 & Died in Brazil


GGF Volpin - Ceregnano, Rovigo, Veneto
GGM Sartorato - Bovolenta, Padova, Veneto
GGF Lattari - Fuscaldo, Cosenza, Calabria
GGM Storchi - San Benedetto Po, Mantova, Lombardia
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Re: Volpin & Sartorato from Veneto

Post by mmogno »

Pasqua aveva 19 anni al momento dell'arrivo in Brasile (11.11.1888). Quindi è nata negli anni 1868-1869.
Il suo atto di nascita deve essere chiesto alla Parrocchia di Bovolenta, Comune in cui viveva la sua famiglia.

Parrocchia di S. AGOSTINO
(Parroco: don Luciano Lazzari)
Piazza Umberto I 14 35024 Bovolenta

Tel.: 049-5386086
Email: bovolenta@diocesipadova.it

Per l'atto di morte di Paolo Volpin, devi cercare nei registri del Comune in cui pensi sia morto.
https://www.familysearch.org/search/cat ... %20Library
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