santolucito history

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santolucito history

Post by john446 »

Hi, not sure if I am going about this right, I am trying to find out more about my family, and I am not sure where to start, anyone has advice I would appreciate it.
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Re: santolucito history

Post by Poipuo4 »

Hi, John,

assuming that you are trying to trace your Italian roots, check out this site for a nice how-to-guide produced by the Family History Center/LDS: ... cestor.asp

I am sure the members on this board can give you more precise advice if you give us some more details about your reserach goals.


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Re: santolucito history

Post by PeterTimber »

Dear John there are many sources for this information but the best and easiest to read is a book titled Italian Genealogical records by Trafford R. Cole which can be purchased at barnes and Noble/ borrowed from a public library either way. ($40.00) and makes an excellent reference work. As you go along you may want to view records on micorfilm at the family history library dating back to 1809 for most towns in Italy (mostly Southern Italy while North Italy is spotty) thru to 1900 whcih is best viewed wqith another small handbook to accompany the microfilm research and that is Discovering Your Italian Ancestros by Lynn Nelson and will explain things that the eye won't see.

Lastly we are h ere if you hit a brick wall and need some expert advice. =Peter=
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Re: santolucito history

Post by misbris »


One of the first things you should do is gather the information that you have and put it into some kind of a chronological or historical order. Get names, dates, famiily members, place where they settled, occupations. I would also suggest doing one family line at a time. I started with my father's father because the name was unusual and I knew the town in Italy that they came from.

You can get ship's manifests and census info without too much trouble (usually)
(I am also assuming you are in the US)
Once you have some specifics, we will be better able to help you.

Mary Jo
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