How to use Allegati?

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How to use Allegati?

Post by Storia »

From the Family History Library microfilms I located the "Atto della Solenne Promessa di celebrare il Matrimonio" for an ancester in 1834.

I then ordered the Allegati that encompassed this time period, but was totally confused as to how to find information regarding the couple named in the 1834 "Solenne Promessa." The Allegati was not indexed so I was just looking at all the records, and could not find their names. I have had success looking at the birth, marriage, and death records from this commune, but this was the first microfilmed Allegati record I had ordered from FHL.

Any assistance would be appreciated. I returned the microfilm but can re-order again, of course.

Thank you so much
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Re: How to use Allegati?

Post by Storia »

I located this previous post:

Joined: Oct 05, 2003
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Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 9:03 am Post subject: Re: birth registrations for marriage?


.....When they applied for their bann, many documents were required. Birth records of the couple, previous marriage records if applicable and often the birth or death records of their parents/father as permission for the marriage. These records are called Allegati di matrimoni in the microfilm titles.

I have found where these still exist, they have been far from complete. For a given year only a small portion of the marriages will be represented with records in the Allegati di matrimoni. I don't know why this is.


so, as VaDeb writes: they (the allegati) have been far from complete, and for a given year only a small portion will be represented in the Allegati di matrimoni. Perhaps my ancestors were not entered.

But my quesiton is: if they were married in 1834, is that the year I should be searching for in the Allegati? Any help or references would be appreciated!
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