De Angelis in Castro dei Volsci

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De Angelis in Castro dei Volsci

Post by Luca1969 »


I am researching on Giuseppe De Angelis who lived in Sharpsville,PA. He was born in Castro dei Volsci on or about June 17, 1889. He was related to Rocco De Angelis and I found two Rocco DeAngelis living in Sharpsville at the same time of Giuseppe: one born on or about July 24, 1885 and another one born on or about July 27, 1893.

I was wondering if someone could check on the civil registrations or the church records, what I would like to find out is:

- Giuseppe exact date of birth and the name of his parents
- Rocco exact date of birth and the name of his parents

Thank you for your help!

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Re: De Angelis in Castro dei Volsci

Post by Italysearcher »

There are a few of us on this board who live in Italy but none, as far as I know, live close enough to Castro dei Volsci to do a look up for you.
You need to write to the town and request the civil records for the people you are looking for.
There were many De Angelis families in the Parish of Santa Oliva, that I recall, but they may have been in other parishes also.
Ann Tatangelo
Dual citizenship assistance, and document acquisition, on-site genealogical research in Lazio, Molise, Latina and Cosenza. Land record searches and succession.
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