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Post by Emmy »

:) Congratulations to all the new V.I.P's :)
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Re: Congratulations

Post by nuccia »

Hi Emmy!

How are you? Had too much trouble resizing your image that Nonna J sent...I'm sooo sorry but I think you may have to take another picture. If you used a digital camera you may have to magnify the image before posting..or something like that to amke it clearer...God I miss the "old" cameras. :lol: :lol:

Thanks...the VIP was a surprise to all of us. 8O

Talk to you soon!

Nuccia :D
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Re: Congratulations

Post by Emmy »

Hi Nuccia
I've just posted an update in the 'language/translation'
forum. I manged to get a clearer image on the computer and I emailed it to myself to see what it would be like but it lost a lot of definition but I could make out what it said reading it from the computer screen so I've explained in the update. Dont know how I ever became a 'Rookie' the name makes me laugh and think about an old scots song about 'Three Craws' (Big Black Crows) I'll print the words sometime! but I doubt very much if you will understand them! (The attachment part at the bottom of the 'posts' doesnt work Marisa has tried it too and nothing happens. Have you tried adding attachments that way?)
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Re: Congratulations

Post by nuccia »

No I haven't but please feel free to email it to me and I will link it for you! :D

email is

Nuccia :D
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Re: Congratulations

Post by Emmy »

Many Thanks for the offer Nuccia
but the image did lose definition when I emailed it to myself so I dont think that would work but I have written down the translation in the other 'post'
I was just curious about not being able to use that facility at the end of the 'posts' and as I said Marisa had tried it too and it didnt work for her either.
What's that saying again :'Curiosity killed the cat! Satisfaction brought it back!!'

That was so kind of you Nuccia to offer to do that
God Bless

Want a laugh?? I've used this nickname so often now I am beginning to lose my true identity. I was signing a cheque today -you've guessed it? Yes I had to tear it up. I had signed Emmy
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Re: Congratulations

Post by nuccia »

I know how you feel! Keep signing things at work Nuccia too and I still use an authorization number and employee number from but job 20 years ago! I also have the urge to put a smiley face and hugs when signing!

Where's Nonna J and Marisa? We need to open that virtual bar again.... :lol: :lol:

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Re: Congratulations

Post by Marisa6 »

Here I am! It is utter chaos here at the moment. The kids stop school tomorrow, the house is a tip, I am supposed to have my thesis finished to final draft status (no surprises - I haven't), there is a big pile of ironing and the bathroom needs cleaned. Meanwhile I am sitting here strangely calmly at my computer with a slightly manic smile on my face singing 'Three Craws'. The men in white coats will be here any time now 8O

Never mind - the sun is shining :D

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Marisa xx
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Re: Congratulations

Post by Emmy »

Right Marisa :lol:
I think we'd better share the 'Craws' with the others. I'll attempt to write 'The Three Craws' in Scottish and I'll allow you to do the translation and the music :lol: Hope its the same version you know.

Three craws sat upon a wa', sat upon a wa', sat upon a wa'
Three craws sat upon a wa'
On a cold and frosty mornin'.

The first craw up an flu' awa, up an flu' awa, up an flu' awa
The first craw up an flu' awa on a cold and frosty mornin'.

The second craw couldnae flee at aw, couldnae flee at aw, couldnae flee at aw.
The second craw couldnae flee at aw on a cold and frosty mornin'

The third craw was greetin' for its maw, greetin' for its maw, greetin' for its maw.
The third craw was greetin' for its maw on a cold and frosty mornin'.

That's aw a ken aboot the craws, ken aboot the craws, ken aboot the craws
That's aw a ken aboot the craws on a cold and frosty mornin'

The wee ones in school sang this and did the actions to it too.
Now I can picture myself, looking like a 'craw' (Rookie) but who knows maybe I just looked like that already :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


ps :lol: These men in the white coats are going to be working overtime!! :lol:

ps I've been singing this to myself lately :? (sure sign something is seriously wrong with me!) :? and I think the second verse was 'fell an' broke his jaw' and not 'couldnae flee at a'' :lol: but hey what does it matter we do have a ' :wink: free licence' :wink: for many things on this forum :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Congratulations

Post by nuccia »

Cool...but I don't undertand any of it!

Hey listen...when your get to where you both are going with these men in white coats I caution you to ask if you could have access to a computer...otherwise you won't be able to access the bar.

As for the bathroom and the ironing...I'm having the same must be those damn craws! :?

Glad to see you are both ok :roll: ... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Congratulations

Post by Emmy »

Hi Nuccia
You wouldnt want to know where we would be going with those men in white coats !?! :lol: . Just been thinking :roll: , Marisa and I better change the colour of the coats-Bob ,my late husband, used to wear a white coat when he was **SPAM** ice-cream and I wouldnt have wanted him to do that job! :lol: :lol:

Just writing to say I've sent you an email Nuccia, I've decided to take up you offer of posting for me. I've managed to enlarge the names of the two Giovanni's 1853 and 1860 just would like to know if anyone else thinks the names are identical of if I'm reading it wrong
Ta very much
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Re: Congratulations

Post by nuccia »


Its already been linked. I hope it helps....I'm sure you will get the answers you are looking for!

Hmmm, ice cream.... :D

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Re: Congratulations

Post by Marisa6 »

Hmm - Three Craws - that great song of Scottish culture! Basically three crows are sitting on a wall. The first crow flies away, the second crow can't fly, and the third one is crying for his mother. The last verse states that that is all the singer knows about the Crows. It is a really deep and meaningful song with profound lyrics and the kind of tune that you just can't get out of your head :twisted: It is much beloved of twisted Scottish primary school music teachers who want to inflict it on further generations of Scots :D

I've been singing it all day :lol:

Marisa xx
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Re: Congratulations

Post by nuccia »

Sounds intense and meaningful! :roll: :roll: :roll:

When we set up our msn accounts you'll have to play it for me.

Nuccia :D
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Re: Congratulations

Post by Emmy »

Thanks Marisa - (the song does get a 'hold' on you)
I sing all these songs to the grandchildren too, with all the actions! Bet its a sight for sore eyes.

My sisters husband,who was Scottish through and through,,when I was young about 6/7 years old :roll: ,told me that the meaning behind the 'Three craws' was this:-

One winter's day there were 3 auld wifies sittin' on a dyke (3 old women sitting on a wall)and they were dressed in black -hence the name 'three craws' and while they sat there they talked and talked and they never had a good word to say about anything or anybody. The first 'craw' had a row with the other two and 'cleared off' in the 'huff'. The second one got what was coming to her because she fell off the wall when she was laughing about someone elses misfortune. The third one, became worried about what was going to happen to her and started to weep and wished now she had listened to what her mother had told her. No one knew what happened after that. My brother-in-law then said, 'Just see, at the end, how unhappy they 'craws' were so if ye dinnae want tae be like one of them,never forget what that third craw's mother had told her:- if ye dinnae have anything good tae say aboot a person then never say anything bad.

Dont know if he was joking or if this was the true meaning behind it. But it's something I've never forgotten.

(It's not odd I had a brother-in law at that age, he was married to my oldest sister and she was 22 years old when I was born, there was 17 years between me and the sister next to me. Bet I was some shock to my mum and dad :lol: )

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