
Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Re: Conflicted...............

Post by MST995 »

Hey Kontessa, thanks for your input! I did read that thread that you are referring to and it did annoy me a little bit, but I did spend considerable time in several forums and one thing that I found distressing was the tone of some of the conversations... maybe 'EU love orgy' was a bit of a stretch :P .I just really don't like that people spread many misconceived notions and generalize Americans.... and these are Americans (or former ones) doing it! In the thread you guys are talking about the Olive Garden statement did annoy me, because the people that I hang out with would obviously rather have authentic Italian cuisine then olive garden, but when an olive garden is strategically placed off a highway exit where it is visible… people go there. Just like they go to Fridays or Chili’s... and what’s wrong with that? Seeking out that hole in the wall Italian place does not always pay dividends... there is a terrible "authentic" Italian place upstate by my parents that sucks, and worst of all it’s inconsistent (depends on the cook). At Olive Garden... at least you always know what you're getting (whether its good or not is a different story :wink: ). At the same time, though, I think I am a little over sensitive to it, and let my emotions get the best of me. I am defensive of the USA... call it bias I guess. I do really appreciate the respectful tone of this forum and thread though, it’s disgusting that there are so many people who think that anonymity is justification for being disrespectful. Thanks for the input everyone!
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