Gertrude has been found!

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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by jcsm400 »

Late as usual. Happy to hear the good news!

Should we reopen the virtual bar?

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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by nuccia »

Go for it jscm400,

Lets reopen the bar! A drink is defnitely in order! Drinks are on me!

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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by nuccia »

Since this seems to be the place where all good news is posted I just wanted to add mine!

I got the job I've been trying to get for the last 2 months in spite of all the "complications" (some of you know what they are) involved! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Can we re open the bar again? At this rate people we're all going to turn into happy "lush's"!!!!

Where is the bar, anyway? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Smile for me!!!
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by jcsm400 »

CONGRADUATIONS :!: :!: :!: :!: :!: .......Really happy for you.

Where is that bar :?: :?: :?: usual, can't find a thing around here :!: ....................................................

Ok, beer is on tap and found marguarita mix & tequila......all set.....come on over :!: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by Marisa6 »

Excellent - well done! Having a drink just for you :D :D

Marisa xx
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by wldspirit »

Congratulations Nuccia........ :D
You got a job, and I quit mine!!! LOL......

I will have the usual....margaritas.... :lol:
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by nuccia »

wldspirit wrote:Congratulations Nuccia........ :D
You got a job, and I quit mine!!! LOL......

I will have the usual....margaritas.... :lol:

What??? When??? Is this a good thing??? Can you share Why?? Man, I really need another drink, now! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by wldspirit »

It is a very good thing.......well, except for the fact that half the money went into my account for Italy.........but nursing jobs are a dime a I will find another when I have finished some home projects first.

Very bad managment......and unprofessional.....lots of twenty something year olds who were so disrespectful to the elderly residents........reporting them did no errors were being made and swept under the rug.........I had had enough!!!.......But I do miss my patients...... :cry:
you cannot help but get attached to them.......
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by nuccia »

Well, I've wanted to quit my job for some time but unfortunately it hasn't been an option the last little while. I've been there so long and I do like the company just not all the young kids that come in and think they can do in a day what we worked so hard and so long just to try and do!

Kids now a days don't care...there are no work ethics out there any more. Everyones in it for themselves. Single career days are over. And lets not talk about bad management...

Oh least for me its an opportunity to feel good about waking up in the morning
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by mahart »

:D :D Hi all,

Well done Nuccia on getting your job and its great to know that there are people still with principles Widspirit, good for you.
I want to retire I've had enough working for someone else I have got far more interesting things to do than work but I still have 30 somthing years to go damn I don't drink could I get a cup of tea. Do you get discount if you don't sugar?

Have good day everyone.

Oh I nearly forgot I ordered some mircofiche's from LDS a couple of weeks ago does anyone know how long I will have to wait for them to get to the my local LDS centre? I'm getting desperate I'm getting over to Italy in June and I'm praying I'm going to come across my ancestors in the microfiches and then I'll be able to visit the region where they come from.

I can hope can't I?.

Sorry to talk business at the bar.
:D :D
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by Marisa6 »

:D Hey - have you noticed how we are all starting to sound like our mothers?

The problem with a lot of kids these days is they they are brought up to think that they are the centre of Gods universe, and they have no concept of the needs and hopes of others around them. They also have no understanding of their place in history which is why they have no respect for old folk. The same problem arises with teaching history to teens. Because they think they are immortal, history is irrelevant to them. In essence - they just don't get it. That is why genealogy, along with the research methods used should be taught in schools. Once you can make history relevant to the child by showing them their place in a family timeline, they start to understand better and get interested. As you can probably guess - history is my line :wink:

Thats my rant for this morning!

Marisa xx
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by nuccia »

Hi Mark,

Thanks...I know how it feels not to be able to retire but lets have fun at least while we can. I'll have a tea for you/with you today a work! No sugar..ok?

It usually takes about 3 weeks for the films to may just make it!

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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by nuccia »

Hi Marisa...

We posted at the same time! Yes, it sound like our parents and thats ok. I was afraid when I was growing up that I one day would sound like my mom but now I realize I don't mind. She's the one person I truly respect and I always felt that my life is a repeat of hers.

So, do you teach history? I have always loved interesting!

Its 5 am and I have to be at work in 1 hour and haven't even started getting ready. Its the first morning in months that I haven't woken up with a severe headache! Go was self inflicted all along, I guess!

Feel like skipping work and gong shopping!!!Would love to buy something totally usueless right 10 pair of shoes (I am not a shoes nut).

Well, I should go...Jen's up. Shes been sick with a tummy ache all night and I want to make sure she's ok before I leave.

Wonder how Janice and Wayne are making out...Isn't this the big weekend?

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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by Marisa6 »

The big weekend. Good grief - are we that far through May already! :? I hope it goes really well. That will be some reunion!

Nah - I don't teach history - not yet anyway. I got into history through genealogy. It wasn't enough just to have a list of name and dates - I wanted to know how my ancestors lived. I got so deeply into it that I am now finally getting to end of a PhD in social history, looking specifically at living conditions and childrens deaths in late nineteenth century Glasgow. Its kept me busy for the last few years - but now as my husband keeps pointing out to me - its time to get a job!!!!!

I'm glad you don't have a headache this morning. Sounds like you have been under a lot of stress. I hope Jenny is better soon. I hate it when my kids are unwell. There is just so little you can do for them :cry:

Speak later

Marisa xx
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Re: Gertrude has been found!

Post by wldspirit »

Yes Mahart, I have deep principles......but a temper to!!!!
I was on the verge of slapping some common courtesy into these young
twits..... :P
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