Military Record

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Military Record

Post by Sasso »

I'm looking for military information on an Antonio Cappello; son of Carmine. He was born in Sant'Ambrogio. I have found him on ... i/5/73.jpg.

From this picture it looks like he was in the 7th infantry regiment, but how do I know where he fought? There is a rumor in my family that he died in the alps. The only battles I know of that took place in the alps are the Battles of Isonzo, could he have been one of the casualties in one of these?

Any help would be great! Thanks!
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Re: Military Record

Post by Anizio »

You request his military record (ruoli matricolari) from the State Archives that has the military records for his town. You will need his birth year so you can tell them his class (year of birth). Date of Birth and parents name will ensure accuracy.

That record should say his rank or promotions, when he was attached to what units, any injuries/hospitalizations, medals, or death. But the consistency isn't great and some contain more than others.

At the very least, by knowing when he was assigned to what units (down to exact dates) you will know by researching that unit what battles he was in. Its not a perfect record so you may not know his exact role, or the exact area he was in - but you will get all you can from that record.

I recommend also request any additional military records they may have (every so often some people will have additional information attached to their files).

This request should be made in Italian.
TIP: When asking for records from Italy, do NOT ask for an "estratto." ALWAYS ask for a "copia integrale." A photocopy of the original Act will contain more information
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Re: Military Record

Post by Sasso »

I was afraid you were going to say that. :? I'm not really sure how this works; Do I require anything besides the basic full name, his parents name and date of birth? Does this cost anything?

I don't suppose you would know where I would write to? Would it be Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano or the province for his military records?

Are there any standard request forms that I should follow?

I realize there are a lot of question here :), but I know very little about doing any of this. I know when requesting some records here in the U.S. you have to show proof of relation, is it the same in Italy?

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Military Record

Post by PeterTimber »

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Re: Military Record

Post by adelfio »

Here you go a request for you try email first

Archivio di stato di Frosinone
piazza De Matthaeis 41
03100 Frosinone (FR)

OGGETTO: Richiesta esito di leva o registro dei foglie matricolari di Antonio Cappello classe di nascita 1895.

Gentilissima Signora, Gentile Signore,

La ringrazio anticipatamente di voler comunicare i costi di spese di riproduzione e postali per ottenere l'esito registro di leva o registro dei foglie matricolari di:Antonio Cappello di Carmine nato a Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano il 19 augusto 1895.
Se non avete i registri corrispondenti, potete fornire l’indirizzo dell’archivio dove in cui i registri possano essere trovati?
Nell'attesa della sua risposta le invio cordiali saluti.

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Re: Military Record

Post by Sasso »

Thank you for all the help. I'll see how it goes.
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Re: Military Record

Post by Anizio »

It will go well. I have met with the people at the Archivio di Stato di Frosinone before, they went out of their way to help me find records I didn't even think to ask for.

It should be free, they may send it by email if you wish although if you prefer a paper photocopy make that clear or they will probably email you. This is one of the letters I wrote:

[date, in Italian, month not capitalized - day, month, year]
Archivio di stato di Frosinone
piazza De Matthaeis, 41
03100 Frosinone (FR)

Egregi Signori,

Mi chiamo [your name], ed abito nel [your country in Italian], all'indirizzo sopraddetto. Cerco informazioni sul mio [whoever it is: grandfather = nonno, GGrandfather = bisnonno etc.], [his name]. Cerco questi dati per conoscere meglio la mia famiglia.

Vi sarei molto grato se poteste spedirmi [i ruoli matricolari (e, se possibile, gli altri documenti militari che possono esistere) di [ancestors name again], in carta libera o via email. [ancestor's name] era nato nel [his date of birth, again day month year, month not capitalized] a [his town of birth]. I suoi genitori sono stati chiamava [his father's name] e [his mother's name].

Vi ringrazio in anticipo per la vostra gentilezza e premura, vi prego di addebitarmi tutte le spese postali e dei certificati.

Distini saluti.

[your name]

***note for anyone else who may read this: if a his name was Americanized/Anglicized, ie. if you know him as John or Vince, please make sue you request the proper name: Giuseppe, Vincenzo, etc. Nothing Italians hate more than English speaking people, so you must show you are intelligent and courteous at all times.
TIP: When asking for records from Italy, do NOT ask for an "estratto." ALWAYS ask for a "copia integrale." A photocopy of the original Act will contain more information
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Re: Military Record

Post by Sasso »

Well I've sent off an email using the first prompt adelfio has given me. If I do not recieve a response at some point, is there some protocol to follow before sending a letter or another email? I don't want to seem rude or annoying. I try my best not to be :).
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Re: Military Record

Post by PeterTimber »

I would suggest you follow the format used for other civil records which is of two months duration prior to issuing a follow-up letter. Peter
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Re: Military Record

Post by adelfio »

Like Anzio said you should get a response from Archivio di stato di Frosinone I have also had good luck with them

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Re: Military Record

Post by Sasso »

So i've received a respond from the address given (posted below) and I'm not quite sure what to do next. From what I can understand it says that Antonio's name is in the records, but not at that particular Archive. If I misunderstood that please let me know. Would I also send a response to this email thanking this archive? It would seem like common courtesy to me, but one never knows. Thanks!

Email as follows:

In risposta alla richiesta in oggetto, La informiamo che nei registri matricolari della classe 1895 non compare il nominativo indicato.
Le comunichiamo inoltre che questo Archivio di Stato conserva le liste di leva dal 1923 al 1943.
(Leandro FRASCA)
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Re: Military Record

Post by liviomoreno »

They say that they did not find the name you requested in the conscription list for 1895.
They also say that they keep the lists for the years 1923 through 1943
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Re: Military Record

Post by Sasso »

Alright, so we're exactly do I go from here? Is there another place I can ask for his military records or indeed records of any kind?
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Re: Military Record

Post by adelfio »

Try the town of Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano
Heres the postal address didn't see a email address
Comune di Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano
Via Roma n.38 -
03040 Sant'Ambrogio sul Garigliano (FR)

Researching Trabia, Palermo surnames Adelfio, Bondi, Butera, Scardino,Rinella, Scardamaglia

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Re: Military Record

Post by Sasso »

Can I use the template Anizio provided for contacting the town itself? Is there a certain amount of time between requests that should be observed? I would, obviously, like to get as many records for my ancestors as possible, but I don't want to be annoying. If I contact them multiple times for different records should a donation or something be provided?
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