I have been searching for marriage records for a great-aunt Anna Dolce. I have located 2 marriage records, one from the sponsali book and one in a matramoni book. Both marriage records id her as Proietto Annam (Dolce Annam) and name her parents as Ignatius Dolce and Angela Piazza. Husband is Francesco Scaglione. They refer to her baptism as 5/1896. I located a baptism record for a daughter with last name Proietto, 5/1896, but with name Rosae. The one marriage record states her name as "Proietto Annam, in libre parocchial, Dolce Annam" I believe this is the same person, but wanted to get the thoughts of someone else. Does this mean she was adopted by Ignatius and Angela?
I'm attaching both marriage records, and what I believe to the baptism record. I have obtained them from: Registri Parrochiali della Diocese di Agrigento, Registri Alessandria della Rocca. References for each of the docs are as follows:
Baptism – image 78, #57, starts bottom of page 147 and goes through top of p. 148.
https://www.registriparrocchiali.archiv ... lla-rocca/
This corresponds with the date of baptism in the parish marriage records records.
Parish marriage records – image 78, page 153, #11 – Francesco Scaglione and Anna Proietto (Anna Dolce) – lists her parents as Ignazio Dolce and Angela Piazza, references baptism as 5/2/1896
https://www.registriparrocchiali.archiv ... lla-rocca/
Civil registry – image 81, page 149, #11
https://www.registriparrocchiali.archiv ... lla-rocca/