Seeking help to find Nicastro address from 1889

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Seeking help to find Nicastro address from 1889

Post by Jsacheli »


Last September I asked for help locating "ancient" town maps of Nicastro from when my grandmother was born. I have the address (#23 Via Croci) but street names have changed. I was referred to an article from Lamezzia Oggi from 2021 which references the street. "Think of Nicastro di Lamezia Terme, with Via delle Croci with the old pottery shops renovated."

I am stuck! Does anyone know of a community library in Nicastro or a book store where I could contact them for information? I would try to contact the author of the article and the publication but there is no contact information listed.

I am scheduled to visit Nicastro this May. My dream is to visit the street or neighborhood of my grandmother. Any help would be deeply appreciated!

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Re: Seeking help to find Nicastro address from 1889

Post by PippoM »

You might try on some Facebook group of the town.
My guess is that people still use such toponym, though it's not shown in official maps.
I'm sure you'll find it, if you go there and ask.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi

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