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Looking for further family information.

Post by AuntBelle »

My Great Grandpa is Romolo Grillotti. I believe that he was around 1886 and moved to the USA around 1906. I know that he had three children but not sure whether they were born in Italy or first generation American. He was living in San Prisco, Italy when he moved to the USA. Any information on the man or the family will be appreciated.

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by Tessa78 »

Hello and welcome :-)

1905 Manifest for Romolo Grillotti, 18, laborer
Line 10
from San Prisco, going to brother-in-law, Carlo Nuzarione (sp?) on Gravesend Ave., Brooklyn
http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/5228 ... nifest.jpg

1907 Manifest for Romolo Grillotti, 21, laborer
Line 4
from S. Prisco, going to uncle Antonio Capasso in Brooklyn, NY
http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/3497 ... nifest.jpg

WWII Registration Card for Romolo Grillotti
Living on Bay St. in Brooklyn, NY
DOB - Feb. 3, 1886
Next of Kin - daughter Matrona Grillotti, living with him
http://img137.imageshack.us/img137/4177 ... iicard.jpg

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by Tessa78 »

POSSIBLE 1930 Census
Name is listed as Dominick, but he has a daughter Matroney(Matrona?)
Living on Avenue V in Brooklyn.

1930 United States Federal Census
about Dominick Grilotti
Name: Dominick Grilotti
Home in 1930: Brooklyn, Kings, New York
View Map
Age: 43
Estimated birth year: abt 1887
Birthplace: Italy
Relation to Head of House: Head
Spouse's name: Rosena Grilotti
Race: White
Household Members:
Name Age
Dominick Grilotti 43
Rosena Grilotti 46
Marie Grilotti 16
Matroney Grilotti 15
Santo Grilotti 12

http://img829.imageshack.us/img829/5492 ... census.jpg

According to this census, if it's the correct one, the children were all born in New York.

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by Tessa78 »

At this site www.italiangen.org
There are two marriages listed for Romolo - 1910 and 1930.
The census above states that Rosina's first marriage was at age 46 (the age she is listed in the 1930 Census) and Romolo's first marriage was at age 23 (20 years prior to the 1930 Census) so I think both of these are your GGF.

Grillotti Romolo Sep 19'09 1910 Kings 2171
Lombardo Ariangela Sep 9 1910 Kings 2171

Grillotti Romolo Jan 11 1930 Manhattan 3518
Moccio Rosina Jan 11 1930 Manhattan 3518

You can send away for one or both of these marriage records using the Certificate # and borough listed at the end of each.
http://www.nyc.gov/html/records/html/vi ... iage.shtml

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by AuntBelle »

This is such good information. Thank you so much. Matrona Grillotti became a Casey and she was my Grandmother. It really sounds like this is lining up. Are you a relation to me or just the bearer of good news?
Romolo and Dominick seem to be the same person. My uncle told me that he went by a few names. Is there any information or a good website that you know of that will tell me about Romolo's family. I have heard that he is 1 of 13.
I am pretty excited about this. Thanks again for all of the information that you have already given me. Hope to hear form you soon.

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by Tessa78 »

Hello Annabelle :-)

No relation :-(
Just a volunteer on this forum... :-D

To learn more about Romolo's family you might consider visiting your nearest LDS Family History Center... They have microfilmed the civil registrations including births (nati), deaths (morti) and marriages (matrimoni) for San Prisco from 1810-1929.
http://www.familysearch.org/eng/library ... e++di++San+++

You will need to visit the FHC to order the films you want to view (about $5.50 per month/per film), then you will view them at the center.
To find the nearest FHC enter your zip code at this site...

You can also write to San Prisco directly for records. Usually there is no charge for these.
Ufficio dello Stato Civile
Via M. Monaco, 92
81054 San Prisco (CE)

You should make your request in Italian. Use these form letter sites to assist you:
http://www.circolocalabrese.org/resourc ... civile.asp
http://www.angelfire.com/ok3/pearlsofwi ... tters.html

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by vj »

Hi Annabelle
Thought you might enjoy this in case you hadn't seen it

from Old Fulton site (old NY newspapers)

Brooklyn Eagle
2 Dec 1943

Birth Announcement:
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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by AuntBelle »

I did look at the newpaper atricles and that was my uncle that was born. He will appreciate it I am sure. I found another of the wedding of my Great-Uncle. I was helpful.

Tessa78.....What a coinsidence with your name. I have a Great-Aunt named Tessy that was split from the family when she was young and my Dad was anxious to know if that was you. I have more to look through yet but I sure am getting there. I am going to keep digging.

Thanks again,
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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by Tessa78 »

Want to adopt me? :-)

I hope you and your Dad enjoy the adventure of finding out about your ancestors... :-D

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by AuntBelle »

I cannot speak or read Italian so the site that will translate a letter for me is very helpful and I will use it. I was wondering though if there is a website or forum like this one that would help me with the Italian end of my search. It might help to find people as helpful as you have been that can help me from Italy.

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by Tessa78 »

When you find/receive your Italian documents...just scan and post them here and we can translate them for you.
There is a forum here for translations... :-)

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by AuntBelle »

That is a great service to have. I will probably use it. I was hoping to contact someone over there through e-mail so that I do not have to go through the long wait of writing to the government and chance being dismissed. I might be asking too much. I will send the letter anyways but was hoping to also try a different avenue just in case the first fell through.

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Re: Looking for further family information.

Post by Tessa78 »

Tessa78 wrote:Hello Annabelle :-)

To learn more about Romolo's family you might consider visiting your nearest LDS Family History Center... They have microfilmed the civil registrations including births (nati), deaths (morti) and marriages (matrimoni) for San Prisco from 1810-1929.
http://www.familysearch.org/eng/library ... e++di++San+++

You will need to visit the FHC to order the films you want to view (about $5.50 per month/per film), then you will view them at the center.
To find the nearest FHC enter your zip code at this site...

There is also the suggestion I made about the Family History Center. Doing your own research can be very, very rewarding... :-D

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