Ship manifests going from America to Italy?

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Ship manifests going from America to Italy?

Post by autumn4680 »

Hi Everyone,

Wondering if you guys know where I can look for ship manifests recording my ancestors voyages BACK to Italy? It appears they traveled to and from a few times and locating the records showing their return trips will help to fill in some holes for me. Suggestions? I have been searching all over and can't seem to find anything.

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Re: Ship manifests going from America to Italy?

Post by Tessa78 »

Sorry Michele - there are no records that we know of that contain this information... :-(

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Re: Ship manifests going from America to Italy?

Post by JavaisLife »

Hi Michelle,

I was looking for the same. What I did, instead, was look for my GGF re-entry back to the USA. So, instead of searching for his travels to Italy, I looked for his re-entry. As well, when the person re-enters it records if they are still an Alien or not. Which helped tremendous with showing that my GGF was still an Italian Citizen after the birth of my GF.

That's my suggestion.

Good luck,
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Re: Ship manifests going from America to Italy?

Post by autumn4680 »

Thanks everyone. I imagine these records exist SOMEWHERE... just not necessarily available to the public. Probably ports of entry, like Genova, would have them.

I have looked for re-entry, but the further back I go, the less information there seems to be and it becomes difficult to identify who might be my actual ancestor. I have connected with a possible cousin and we are trying to find solid evidence of our relationship. We are 99% sure. The hiccup is that her ancestor was born in Pittsburgh and is likely the younger brother of my ancestor born in Italy. But I have a death record for their father passing in Italy a year after the younger brother was born. I had no reason to believe they came to America before the date on the passport I have in my possession, but it seems they did travel a few times. We are trying to piece together the very tight timeline of coming here, having another child, then going back and passing away... and Pittsburgh seems strange to us because our families ultimately settled in Philly. Sigh... it's been a tough mystery to solve!
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