How do I exactly do I obtain a permanent residence permit?

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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How do I exactly do I obtain a permanent residence permit?

Post by Inzzz »

How would I go about obtaining a permanent residence permit in Italy?
Through a "self-employed" way?

Given this situation:
- 18 years old
- One Online Business and owning 100% of it
- Earning 48,000$/ Yr all through the business
- Only Mexican Citizen

According to this website ( I just need the following:
- Application for residence completed (obvious)
- Proof of enough money to start my intended activity in Italy (by including this step, does it mean that I HAVE to do something for their economy, start a business, or partner with one over there? If so, does my company have to benefit their economy in some way? or can I just settle down over there in italy without doing anything relating to business?)
- certificate of enrollment (This means that If I have some sort of certification or documents showing that I specialize in the field that I currently work on I should present them right?)
- certificate of appropriate authority (Meaning that I should just show that I'm cleaning record wise?)
- Evidence of appropriate accommodation (If I plan on leaving to Italy and staying there for the rest of my life, would I be allowed to rent an apartment for the time being until I figure things out for a year or less?)
- Evidence of annual Income (Show that I do in fact make 48,000$?)

I would really appreciate it if anyone would correct me If I'm wrong anywhere in my question please. Also add anything that I may have missed or need that wasn't provided in my question. In addition, please let me know other ways of becoming a resident?
Thank you.
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Re: How do I exactly do I obtain a permanent residence permi

Post by jennabet »

These are questions you should be presenting to the Italian consulate that has jurisdiction for the place where you live.
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Re: How do I exactly do I obtain a permanent residence permi

Post by mler »

Jennebet is correct. You really need to go to your consulate for clarification.

It is my understanding that non-citizens are not permitted to work in Italy, but I don't know if exceptions are made for an Internet business. Generally, you need to document that you have sufficient funds to ensure that you will not become a burden on the country, but only the consulate can tell you if those funds can be generated through an ongoing business that you are conducting while you are in Italy. The consulate will be able to look at your unique situation and determine whether or nor you would qualify for long-term residence.

Your path would be considerably easier if you qualify for Italian citizenship. Is this a possibility?
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