Translation of "stato elle anime"

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Translation of "stato elle anime"

Post by brianpatrickross »

I was able to recover a document called "Stato elle anime" that has a wealth of genealogical information about my family. There are also some notes at the top of the page that I was hoping to get some help translating. See link below: - Stato elle anime 1869

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Translation of "stato elle anime"

Post by PippoM »

"Questa famiglia è detta dei Foladori per l'ordigno che hanno in casa. E' antichissima di Malonno, e sempre in discreto stato di sostanze, ma sempre di Malonno. Vedi cugini e zio civ. 209"
"This family is said 'Foladori' because of the machinery they have at home. It's very ancient in Malonno, and always well-off, but always in Malonno. See also cousins and uncle at #209"

It's harder for me to say what a Foladore is...
I found that the origin of surname Follador and similar is connected to the "follatura" (I didn't know that).
The "follatura" is a process for the impermeabilization of textiles (or also a process for the pressing of must, but I don't know if a machinery was needed for it).
A man who was a "follatore" was also called a "gualcheraio".
So, maybe the machinery your ancestors had at home (called "follone" or "gualchiera"), was something like what you can see here:

P.S.: the document is called "Stato Delle Anime"
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi

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Re: Translation of "stato elle anime"

Post by brianpatrickross »

Thank you Pippo! I've seen other reference to "foladore" in other genealogical documents and this helps me to confirm what that word actually means.
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