Multiple parents listed for ancestor?

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Multiple parents listed for ancestor?

Post by kgargano »

Last night while researching my ancestor, I came across a little mystery that I need help to solve. From the looks of it, two different sets of parents are listed on the same documents, and I'm not sure what to make of the "newer" pair.

My ancestor in question is Francesco Reciniello, who was born in 1799 to Antonio Reciniello and Rosa Gifuni. In 1831, he marries Anna Gentile and they have three children, Rosa (1832), Antonio (1834) and Francesco (1837).

In Aug 1837 when Francesco Jr. is born, Francesco Sr. is listed as deceased on his birth record. This led me to believe he died between 1836-1837, and Francesco Jr. was named after his deceased father. Despite this, I was unable to locate his death record during this period.

I recently discovered the extremely helpful processetti marriage records, so I started digging in here for clues. Both Rosa's (1832) and Francesco Jr.'s (1837) marriage records note that Francesco Sr.'s whereabouts are unknown, as is his place and location of death.

However, in Antonio's (1834) marriage records there is finally a death record for his father. The record shows he died not in 1836/37, but in 1854 at the Ospedale Civile della SS Annunciata at the age of 62. The record also shows Francesco is the son of Felice and Francesca Pecora, but it also lists Antonio as his father, as well as his wife as Anna Gentile and son Antonio (whose marriage the record was presented for). Looking up the death record separate from the marriage banns, his parents are listed as Felice and Francesca Pecora, with no mention of his wife or family.

So what do I make of this? In all records pertaining to Francesco Sr, his parents are listed as Antonio and Rosa Gifuni. Why suddenly in records pertaining to his death are Felice and Francesca Pecora being mentioned? Are they adoptive parents, or was he raised by another family member? Any insight to what this may mean would be so helpful!

- I should also note that to this date, I have not found ANY siblings for Francesco Sr.
- Antonio Reciniello, Francesco's father, died in Aug 1807. His mother, Rosa Gifuni, remarried in 1810 and died in Jan 1842.

Francesco Reciniello Birth/Baptismal Record ... 7.jpg.html

Francesco Reciniello & Anna Gentile Marriage Record ... ewsIndex=0

Francesco Jr. Birth Record ... =217775776

Rose Reciniello's 1858 Marriage Record (next page shows note on Francesco) ... ewsIndex=0

Francesco Jr.'s 1858 Marriage Record ... =217775764

Francesco Reciniello's Death Record from Antonio's 1862 Marriage Processetti ... ewsIndex=0

Francesco Reciniello's Death Record ... 2.jpg.html
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Re: Multiple parents listed for ancestor?

Post by AlexKN »

In 1837, most of Italy and Sicily were ravaged by brutal cholera epidemics. Many towns actually suspended the recording of deaths because there were just too many to keep up with it. Towns with a population under 1000 suddenly had 10-15 people dying each day. This is likely what happened to Francesco Sr.'s death record.

As for the marriage processetti, I must say that I have seen these processes dig up incorrect or conflicting information about a person. In your case, I'd say that the civil records office in that community grabbed the death record for the wrong Francesco Reciniello while collecting the records for Antonio's wedding and then just scribbled in the incorrect information to make it fit. I have seen similar errors before.
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Re: Multiple parents listed for ancestor?

Post by kgargano »

That's really unfortunate if they fudged the record just to fit. The town they lived is very small, Sant'Arsenio. I can image not wanting to keep up with records if there was disease, but I think the town was small enough they would be able to continue recording?
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Re: Multiple parents listed for ancestor?

Post by rlw254 »

I have found a document in processetti that indicated a grandfather died before the birth of the father. I agree that in some cases the record were selected perhaps a little hastily.
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Re: Multiple parents listed for ancestor?

Post by kgargano »

Huh, that's too bad. It definitely explains the additional parent. Sadly for me if this is the case, it looks like I'll be without a death record for Francesco.
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