Help reading document

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Help reading document

Post by RobininStl »

I am having trouble reading the marriage record, which is attached. I'm looking at Josephi (Guiseppe) and Vincentia Cimino, which is the 1st full record on the left hand side of the page. Does Josephi have a last name, and does it list parents for either of them? I cannot make out a last name, and the index doesn't have a last name listed for Josephi, which is interesting as, I have had the last name as "Dolce", but recently saw that he also used "Proietto" based on some of his children's records. Would a lack of a last name and parents listed here indicate he was a abandoned or a foundling? I believe the date is February 1853, but cannot make out the day.

Also, if it's not too much a translation of the document would be most welcome, as I'm having a hard time making any of it out.

The record is from the Archivio Storico Diocesana Agrigento, specifically from Alessandria della Rocca in Sicily.

Thank you!
Inde of marriage record - Josephi and Vincentia.pdf
(1.4 MiB) Downloaded 9 times
Marriage - Josephi and Vincentia Cimino.pdf
(1.75 MiB) Downloaded 13 times
Thank you!
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Re: Help reading document

Post by PippoM »

The picture is of poor quality, but after the name "Josephum" it might read "parentib. incog." = "parentibus incognitis" = "unknown parents".
Vincenza's parents were Gaetano ("Cajetani"), and Pasqua ("Paschae") Bellavia.
The first digit of the day seems to be "2", but I can't read if there's another digit after it.
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Re: Help reading document

Post by RobininStl »

Thank you for the assist. The pic online was not great to begin with.

I was thinking that it said that his parents were unknown. Interestingly enough, while they went by Dolce, his son used both Dolce and Proietto. I wonder if this is because his dad's surname was unknown. I'm sure we can't prove it, but it seems to fit with the facts. Do you happen to know how a surname would be assigned if parents were unknown?

Thank you!
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Re: Help reading document

Post by Farassino »

Have you seen this?
Processetti di matrimonio from page 22/249 to page 26/249. ... 68/wb78WbZ
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Re: Help reading document

Post by mmogno »

Here the marriage (Feb 2, 1853) The groom is Giuseppe Proietto, son of unknown parents. ... 17/wWXQVrB
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Re: Help reading document

Post by RobininStl »

Thanks! I didn't see those records. I did find marriage record in the Archdiocese records, but this gives me a 2nd source.
Thank you!
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