Please help translate my letter

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Please help translate my letter

Post by RNovo »

I would like to send this letter to possible relatives in Ferrere, Asti, Italy. Could someone please translate for me to Italian? Thank you so much for any help.


My name is -----. I live America and reside in the state of Louisiana. I am writing this letter because I am trying to find possible descendents of my husband’s ancestors.

My husband’s ancestor, Rocco Novo, was born in the commune of Ferrere, Italy. Rocco and his family moved America in 1875. Rocco’s father was Loremo Novo also from Ferrere. His two wives were Angelina Catherina and Mariano Cassano. Rocco’s children were born in the same area of Italy. Their names were Emma, Margherita, Batholomy Thomas, and Joseph. Rocco had a brother, Bartholomeo Novo born in Ferrere.

If any of these names are familiar to you please write me so we can correspond and perhaps learn more about each other and our families. I am not writing a book or looking for any type of reward. I am doing this for the interest of our family. I enjoy genealogy and research.

Unfortunately, I do not speak or write Italian and hope my computer translation of this letter is understandable to you. If you speak English please write in English if not I will find a way to translate.

Thank you for your help. Even if we are not related it is great to know that there are still Novo families in the same area that our ancestor came from. Good luck to you and good health.

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Re: Please help translate my letter

Post by Poipuo4 »

I know that this is not exactly what you asked for, but you can use this form letter at the link below as a starting point and then maybe just have someone do the third paragraph for you to supplement the form letter. ... #relatives

I used the form letter to successfuly contact my relatives. I just tweaked it a little here and there to fit my situation.

dedicated to the people of Celenza Valfortore, Province of Foggia
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Re: Please help translate my letter

Post by RNovo »

Thanks David. I will sit down tomorrow and try to work it out. Your help is much appreciated.
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Re: Please help translate my letter

Post by pink67 »


Mi chiamo.......e vivo in America nello stato della Louisiana. Sto scrivendo questa lettera perchè sto cercando di trovare i discendenti degli antenati di mio marito.

L'antenato di mio marito si chiamava Rocco Novo, nacque nel comune di Ferrere, Italia.
Rocco e la sua famiglia emigrarono in America nel 1875.
Il padre di Rocco si chiamava Loremo (possible Loreno?..) Novo ed era anche lui di Ferrere. Le sue due mogli furono Angelina Caterina e Mariana Cassano.
I figli di Rocco nacquero in Italia nella stessa zona. I loro nomi erano Emma, Margherita, Bartolomeo Tommaso, e Giuseppe.
Rocco aveva un fratello, Bartolomeo Novo, nato a Ferrere.

Se qualcuno di questi nomi Le è familiare le chiedo cortesemente di scrivermi così potremo scambiarci informazioni e magari imparare di piu' sulle nostre famiglie.
Non sto scrivendo un libro nè sto cercando qualcosa di materiale. Sto facendo queste ricerche per sapere di piu' sulla nostra famiglia.
Mi piacciono molto la genealogia e la ricerca.

Sfortunatamente non parlo nè scrivo in Italiano, se Lei capisce l'Inglese può scrivermi, altrimenti scriva pure in italiano, troverò il modo per tradurre.

Grazie per il suo aiuto. Anche se non fossimo imparentati è bello sapere che ci sono ancora famiglie Novo che vivono negli stessi luoghi da dove provenivano nostri avi.
Le auguro tanta salute e fortuna....


I hope this can help..... And if you will receive answerspin italian, please post them here... we can help translate...
Laura :D
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Re: Please help translate my letter

Post by RNovo »

Thank you so much Pink. I appreciate your help. Wish me luck and I'm on my way!!!
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