Dimita from Santeramo in Colle (BA)

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Re: Dimita from Santeramo in Colle (BA)

Post by mdimita »

HI! If your nonna was one of nine children. then we are talking kinship. My great aunt Anna Dimita (DeMita is wrong, typical american name changing) was a sister of the oldest member, my nonno Salvatore Dimita. The other brothers and sisters were, Dorotea, Maria, Tomasso, Michele, Francesco, Rosa and Giuseppe.Only my grandfather, Salvatore came west to San Francisco to escape the law (they were mafiosi, well some were. He bootlegged wine for the church . I only ever met my great aunt Maria when she came for a visit in 1969 or so. She married Domenico Pichicchero.
I hope this helps. There are no longer any Dimitas left in Santeramo that are relatives; my Nonno brought all the brothers and sisters as well as his parents. FYI, my great grandparents were Salvatore Dimita and Angelina Maria Fraccalvieri. There were some cousins from the Maffei family, all left Santeramo . Most all of my family (My mother's side) Live in Zürich as they left in 1945 and now number around 56.....all cousins. They are mostly Caponio, Capozzi, Tritto, Scattaglia ad infinitum. My maternal side (Dimita for father and Tritto for mother) came here in 1927. Nonno first came to the US in 1907 and brought a few family members each time. 1927 was the last trip to the US.
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