NY and NJ - warning

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Re: NY and NJ - warning

Post by Violam »

No sorries, we are all learning on here..Im always afraid I am putting stuff where it should not be..I am doing it just for research..I really don't have any copies, all mine are just what I have been asking/sending for from the different agencies. Im looking at my Grandfathers death cert. now. On the back in black print it says, "This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy on a record on file in the city of Troy, bureau of vital statistics..then signed by a registrar.." The seal is also raised, don't know if that means anything or not..
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Re: NY and NJ - warning

Post by Tonio70 »

If You have a copy of the doument, request a certified copy from the court, include a copy of the document with the request and the correct fees and you should be able to obtain it. That is what I did for my GGF, GF, Mother and Father. If not have your grandmother order it for you. It should be an easy process. Hope that helps.
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Re: NY and NJ - warning

Post by rgaetano »

Does anyone know if it helps if you were to present the original bc/dc/marriage cert to a court in NYS (not NYC) when you ask for a certified long copy (where you would ordinarily need a court order for)?
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Re: NY and NJ - warning

Post by kontessa »

Tonio70 wrote:I have ordered every single document from NYC records except for GGF birth certificate and NYC has returned all requests with original documents. All the documents I ordered are for ancestors who are deceased and there have been no problems.
Two very different entities, NYC and NYS. They each have their own set of guidelines, and obtaining docs from NYS is much more difficult!
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Re: NY and NJ - warning

Post by KarenChristino »

I work as a paralegal for an estate attorney. We often need to get death certificates, marriage certificates and occasionally birth certificates for court proceedings for the estates. If the attorney requests the records on stationary with ID and states that it's an estate matter, there is never any problem. We deal mostly with NYC but also have had some dealings with NYS. I would imagine that the executor would have the same power. He/she should include a copy of the court certificate letters appointing them executor with the request.

I had no problem requesting my GF's Death Certificate in NYC from 1964.
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Re: NY and NJ - warning

Post by johnnyonthespot »

KarenChristino wrote: I had no problem requesting my GF's Death Certificate in NYC from 1964.
I, on the other hand, fought with New York State for months over a certified copy of my grandfather's 1945 death certificate.

In the end, I had to get a bit underhanded in order to get the document...

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