Alfonso Gallo birth act

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Alfonso Gallo birth act

Post by Biff83 »

I could use some help with the extraction of pertinent data for this handwritten 1889 birth act from the town of Varapodio for the foundling Alfonso Gallo.

The male child was presented in the town hall to the mayor, Carmelo ?, on the 24th of March 1889 by Gaetana Polifrone, 40, midwife. He appeared to be 3 days old.
Is there any mention about clothing or other identifying aspects?
Was the child found in the neighborhood of San Pietro?
Was a house mentioned, an unnamed father or mother?
Or any other possible important information

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Alfonso Gallo birth act

Post by PippoM »

The Mayor might be Carmelo Careri.
I ask for others' help, but I read it was a female: maybe that was a clerical error? In the next sentence it reads "questa bambina" again, but then it says "bambino".
There were tattered and dirty clothes with him/her, that were left at the Office.
The declarant said she found the baby near her home, situated at 43, via San Pietro
The baby had hands wrapped in the bandages that covered the body, and was left to the declarant for raising, upon her request.
Giuseppe "Pippo" Moccaldi

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Re: Alfonso Gallo birth act

Post by Biff83 »

My thanks for your help with this. I am helping a friend who also had a foundling great grandparent and she sends her thanks as well.
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Re: Alfonso Gallo birth act

Post by Tessa78 »

Interesting one.
It definitely states on line 6 "di sesso femminile..."
But as Pippo :-) says, it later states "bambino"

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