Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by nicolefazio »

Okay so I am so confused and I'm hoping I could get some answers. Can someone please help me figure out if my grandfather was naturalized, and let me know the easiest way of finding out.

My Grandfather

Giuseppe Fazio
Born:1897 in Bitetto,Italy
came to the USA sometime between 1911-1914 (still can't find the immigration records)

He resided in New York

1920 census has him listed him as
Immigration year in 1911 and NA in 1919

1930 census has him listed as
Immigration year 1914 and AL
(on this census it also lists my Italian born grandmother and lists her as AL)

So if my grandfather was in fact naturalized would that automatically grant my grandmother citizenship?

Because I found her certificate of naturalization and the date on it is 1946.

I also can't find any records of him for draft cards or petition for naturalization.
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by mler »

Are you certain that the 2012 census was for your gf?

If your grandparents were married before 1921 and your gf naturalized, before 1921, your gm naturalized with him. The Cable Act of 1921 changed this.

Is your gm's certificate a Certificate of Citizenship or a certificate of Naturalization? If a Certificate of Naturalization, she did not become a citizen at an earlier date. If a Certificate of Citizenship, it may be a confirmation of a citizenship obtained at an earlier date through someone else (your gf perhaps).
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by nicolefazio »

I am assuming you mean 1912, not 2012 census. I am almost positive it lists all his family members with the correct names and the professions of the family are all spot on, there is a small chance the 1920 census isn't my grandfather, but i haven't found another 1920 census thats even close.

My grandparents married in 1923. It is a Certificate of Naturalization for my Grandma, that is also why I question my Grandfather being a citizen. I found my Grandfathers brothers Certificate of Naturalization... I have two copies one that says Original and one that says Duplicate.
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by nicolefazio »

Is it normal for someone to have the ORIGINAL that says- To be given to the person Naturalized and the copy that says DUPLICATE -to be forwarded to the Bureau of Naturalization, Washington.
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by mler »

Sorry for the date error; I meant 1920.

If your grandparents married in1923, your gm would have had to naturalized on her own, and it appears that she did in1946. Based on that information, it seems unlikely that your gf ever naturalized. The 1920 census was probably incorrect.

If you are searching for dual citizenship purposes, you can be comfortable using the 1930 census to support any "no record" documents.

The copy to which you refer may be a copy of a copy.
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by nicolefazio »

Thank you :) , His brother was listed right above him in the 1920 census and it seems they copy the information of the above listed family member sometimes. I do believe his brother Naturalized because i have the Certificate, and I can find Army papers on his brother.

I am curious because of Dual Citizenship purposes. What do I need to do to prove that he indeed did not naturalize? I know we could use the 1930 census, but I am assuming I also need to contact someone to give me a document stating he didn't naturalize.
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by mler »

You need to get a letter of "no record" from the USCIS as well as the county(ies) in which he resided. You will also need to provide a certified census, and in this case, you would use only the one from 1930. Certified census records can be obtained through your regional NARA office.

Is he listed as an Italian citizen on his death certificate?

It seems strange that his brother would have naturalized and he did not. But then again his wife did not naturalize until1946. Do a thorough search beginning with ancestry.com. It took me a while to find my gf's naturalization information, but ultimately the records turned up.
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by nicolefazio »

Okay thank you :)... I need to order an official copy of his death certificate, because this picture below is all I have. I have been searching almost a year for any signs of naturalization... Ive tried any combination of names that could possibly have been misspelled. His brother was in the USA longer than him.. would that have any impact?
My Grandfather is the only way I qualify for dual-citizenship, So I want to figure this out before I spend all the time and money on records, If I don't qualify. Will I need to show Immigration papers, cause Ive been unsuccessful at finding those.

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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by mler »

My guess is that even if your gf did naturalize, it would be more likely that he did so about the time his wife did. So you may want to specifically look at 1945-1947. I would guess that naturalization at that late date would not negatively affect your eligibility for dual citizenship, and it would actually simplify the process.

You may want to post a request for help in another thread (perhaps in the genealogy section). With your gf's name and dates, someone here may b able to locate some information for you.
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by kabro »

Did you go on ancenstry.com and also the internaitional ancestry.com. thats how i found my grandfathers naturalization
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Re: Was my Grandfather Naturalized?

Post by nicolefazio »

Ive searched every possible record on ancestry.com.. I contacted USCIS and ordered a search through them.
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