Help finding church/church records

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Help finding church/church records

Post by QNPoohBear »

My parents are traveling to Italy and out of curiosity they want to see the church and possibly look at some records in Montemiletto. We don't know which church my grandmother's family attended. We have her birth certificate but not baptismal. She's never mentioned it and is likely beyond remembering. She's the last family member left who was born in Italy. What steps can I take to locate the church and how to I request permission to look at church records? Thanks!
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by Michael31 »
Chiesa di S. Maria Maggiore - (Sec. XV)
La Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore, successivamente detta "dell'Assunta" sorse, forse nel XIII secolo. I costruttori integrarono l'edificio nel corpo delle antiche mura del borgo, sullo strapiombo di Torre le Nocelle, probabilmente impiegando come campanile una torre quadrata appartenente alle opere difensive.
La facciata è in stile romanico adornata da un rosone centrale e un frontone triangolare su un semplice portale in pietra. L'interno è a croce latina, a tre navate, di cui la centrale, in origine era dotata di un soffitto ligneo a cassettoni, mentre le navate laterali presentano volte a vela ribassata e a crociera.
In seguito ai lavori di restauro eseguiti nel 1939, è stato eliminato il soffitto ligneo a cassettoni, sono state intonacate le pareti ed è stato sistemato, alla sinistra della porta d'ingresso, l'arco in travertino fatto innalzare dalla famiglia Romano-Morgiacchi, nel 1505.
La volta della navata centrale è affrescata con le immagini dei quattro profeti, Geremia, Ezechiele, Isaia e Daniele, ed è decorata con le scene dell'Annunciazione, della Natività e dell'Assunzione di Maria al cielo.
Sulla parete destra della navata una cantoria con un organo del XVIII secolo dalle chiusure in legno dipinto, nelle cappelle laterali affreschi settecenteschi ed altari in marmi policromi.
La torre campanaria, completamente staccata dal corpo della chiesa, è costruita su quattro livelli: i primi tre, dalla forma pressochè quadrangolare, mostrano la sezione che progressivamente si riduce verso l'alto; l'ultimo piano presenta, invece, una pianta ottagonale. All'ultimo piano, caratterizzato, come il terzo, da grandi finestre abbellite da pietre sagomate a bugnato, si accede tramite una scalinata elicoidale con gradini in pietra di fattura tipicamente medievale.
Chiesa di S. Pietro Apostolo - (Sec. XV)
La chiesa a tre navate con decorazioni plastiche tardobarocche situata al termine della principale via del centro antico, risale probabilmente, nell'impianto originario, al XV secolo. La navata centrale ha volta a botte, mentre le navate laterali sono coperte da volte a vela.
L'edificio di culto, con l'altare maggiore in marmo posto al centro dell'abside e con gli altari laterali dedicati a Sant' Antonio da Padova e a Santa Rosalia,
Chiesa di Sant'Anna - (sec. XVII)
La chiesa di Sant' Anna fu costruita tra il 1632 e il 1715 nella parte meridionale del vecchio centro fortificato, impiegando materiale di risulta, come la lapide romana ancora visibile nel muro esterno del convento. La chiesa, consacrata dall'arcivescovo Orsini (poi papa Benedetto XIII) il 21 luglio del 1710, presenta un'unica grande navata con cappelle laterali. Degno di nota, l'altare maggiore, in marmi policromi intarsiati, pregevole opera del "marmorario" toscano Pietro Ghetti. Commissionato con atto del 28 novembre 1708, l'altare fu completato solo nel 1721.
Vanno, inoltre, segnalati due confessionali settecenteschi in legno intagliato, una statua in legno scolpito e dipinto rappresentante Sant'Anna con Maria Vergine Bambina, custodita nella nicchia della quarta cappella laterale sinistra, un dipinto del 1732 e un organo in stile veneziano del '700.
Convento Domenicano - Municipio - (Sec. XVII)
Sul finire del XVI secolo fu iniziata,a Montemiletto la costruzione di un convento e di una chiesa intitolata a Santa Maria di Costantinopoli, destinati agli Eremitani Scalzi di S. Agostino. I lavori cominciarono il 12 marzo del 1591 ma, dopo quattro anni, venne sospesa ogni attività edilizia a causa delle forti divergenze che dividevano irrimediabilmente la comunità agostiniana. Così, nel 1637, il convento e la chiesa furono concessi ai domenicani della congregazione di San Marco dei Cavoti.
Il convento era dotato al primo piano di circa 60 celle coperte con volte a vela, intorno ad un chiostro quadrato, al centro del quale vi è un pozzo realizzato in blocchi di pietra nel 1723.
Oggi, l'imponente costruzione ospita gli uffici del Comune.
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by Michael31 » ... ntemiletto

info sulla privacyVia S. Eustacchio 12 - 83038 Montemiletto (AV) |
tel: 0825 963412

info sulla privacyVia Roma - 83038 Montemiletto (AV) |
tel: 0825 962335

info sulla privacyContrada San Nicola Di Montaperto - 83038 Montemiletto (AV) |
tel: 0825 962335
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by Michael31 »

(Abitazione Parroco)
14,4 km. Via Assisi - 83035 Grottaminarda (AV) | mappa
tel: 0825 441713

info sulla privacy6, Via S.Bologna - 82100 Benevento (BN) | mappa
tel: 0824 24185 ... ntemiletto :?:
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by Michael31 » ... B1=++Cerca++
Chiesa Cattolica Servizi Parrocchiali

, V. Roma 83038 Montemiletto (AV)

Tel. 0825962335


Chiesa Cattolica Servizi Parrocchiali

, Ctr. San Nicola di Montaperto 83038 Montemiletto (AV)

Tel. 0825962335
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by Italysearcher »

If you know the address where she livedthen you have two options.
Phone the priests and ask if the street is in their parish. (Assuming you speak Italian)
Go to the street when you get to the town, and ask someone which is the local parish church.
If you don't kow the street, go to City Hall (Stato Civile or Anagrafe Office) and ask if they have a 'Scheda personale' for her that will tell her address.
Have a great trip.
Ann Tatangelo
Dual citizenship assistance, and document acquisition, on-site genealogical research in Lazio, Molise, Latina and Cosenza. Land record searches and succession.
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by QNPoohBear »

Thanks everyone. My dad can speak Italian. We know where my grandmother's family lived but it was outside the village. The house was destroyed in an earthquake but my uncle and cousin found someone to show him where it was. I'll forward the information to my dad to read and see if anything rings a bell from his grandparents' stories. Thanks.
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by Tessa78 »

QNPoohBear wrote:My parents are traveling to Italy and out of curiosity they want to see the church and possibly look at some records in Montemiletto. We don't know which church my grandmother's family attended. We have her birth certificate but not baptismal. She's never mentioned it and is likely beyond remembering. She's the last family member left who was born in Italy. What steps can I take to locate the church and how to I request permission to look at church records? Thanks!
A quick search shows two parish churches in Montemiletto

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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by MoonlightSkywriter »

I just came back from Palermo and I know if you go to the info library at Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints they will be able to help you locate churches in sicily. Especially the town your family came from.
In Palermo,also the Latter day Saints have records you can search for FREE.,,, unlike ancestory that charges you 200.00 a year to use it. you make a small donation and you can use their building and website.

I love it there, I got so many records that i found on my family in Palermo.
I found a few for you... have you tried the name on google?

Piazza S. Sofia
0824 21206

Santa Sofia

Via S. Maria, 17
0825 962718

Provincia Di Foggia Dei Frati Minori Cappuccini

1 Corso Vittorio Emanuele Iii, Pietradefusi, AV 83030 0825 962064

Suore Francescane Immacolatine


Località Santuario di Montevergine, 1
0825 72924

Santuario di Montevergine


6 Google reviews

Via Delle Rose, Venticano, AV 83030 0825 966175

Parrocchia Maria S.Ma Immacolata

20 Via Lud. Acernese, Pietradefusi, AV 83030 0825 962003

Istituto Acernese Suore Immacolatine

Google+ page

Via Luigi Amabile, 32
0825 784845
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by MoonlightSkywriter »

what micheal just wrote you in italian:
Church of St. Maria Maggiore - (Sec. XV)
The Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, then called "Assumption" arose, perhaps in the thirteenth century. Manufacturers building integrated it into the body of the ancient walls of the village, on the precipice of Torre le Nocelle, probably using as a bell tower with a square tower belonging to the defensive works.
The façade is in Romanesque style adorned with a rose window and a triangular pediment on a simple stone portal. The interior has a Latin cross, with three naves, the central one, was originally equipped with a wooden coffered ceiling, while the aisles are vaulted and lowered cruise.
Following the restoration works carried out in 1939, was eliminated the wooden ceiling, the walls were plastered and was placed to the left of the entrance, the arch of travertine made to raise the Romano family-Morgiacchi, in 1505.
The ceiling of the nave is painted with images of the four prophets, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Isaiah and Daniel, and is decorated with scenes of the Annunciation, the Nativity and the Assumption of Mary into heaven.
On the right wall of the nave, a chancel with an organ of the eighteenth century by the closures in painted wood, eighteenth-century frescoes in the side chapels and altars in polychrome marble.
The bell tower, completely detached from the body of the church is built on four levels: the first three, almost quadrangular shape, show the section that is progressively reduced upwards, the top floor has, however, an octagonal plan. On the top floor, characterized, like the third, large windows decorated with stones shaped ashlar, is accessed via a staircase with spiral stone steps of invoice typically medieval.
Church of St. Peter the Apostle - (Sec. XV)
The church has three naves with plastic decorations late Baroque located at the end of the main street of the old town, was probably in the legacy, the fifteenth century. The nave has a barrel vault, while the aisles are covered by ribbed vaults.
The place of worship, with the marble altar at the center of the apse and the side altars dedicated to Sant 'Antonio da Padova and Santa Rosalia,
Church of St. Anne - (XVII)
The church of Sant 'Anna was built between 1632 and 1715 in the southern part of the old fortified town, using material removed, such as the Roman tombstone can still be seen in the outer wall of the monastery. The church, consecrated by Orsini (later Pope Benedict XIII) July 21, 1710, has a single large nave with side chapels. Noteworthy, the high altar in polychrome marble inlaid valuable work "marble worker" Tuscan Peter Ghetti. Commissioned by the Act of 28 November 1708, the altar was completed only in 1721.
Are also reported two confessionals eighteenth-century carved wooden statue carved in wood and painting of St. Anne with the Virgin Mary Child, kept in the niche of the fourth chapel on the left side, a painting from 1732, and a body style Venetian '700 .
Dominican Convent - Town Hall - (XVII century)
At the end of the sixteenth century was begun in Montemiletto the construction of a monastery and a church dedicated to Our Lady of Constantinople, for the Hermits of St. Scalzi Augustine. Work began on March 12 of 1591, but after four years, was suspended all construction activity due to the strong differences that divided irretrievably Augustinian community. So, in 1637, the convent and the church were granted to the Dominicans of the congregation of St. Mark of Cavoti.
The convent was equipped on the first floor of approximately 60 cells covered with vaults, around a cloister square, the center of which there is a well made of stone blocks in 1723.
Today, the imposing building houses the offices of the City
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Re: Help finding church/church records

Post by QNPoohBear »

I have tried Google but the family name is very unusual. I've also searched Family Search and Ancestry. We have a lot of information from my great-aunt and grandmother but not the name of the church. Thanks for all your help. We'll keep looking.
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