Possible relation to an Italian director, Sergio Rubini?

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Possible relation to an Italian director, Sergio Rubini?

Post by QuestionSleep »

Okay, if anybody has seen my previous posts, you know that I was looking for a Giuseppe Rubino (which really turned out to be Rubini) there is much information that I still wish to know, but I need to pay somebody to find out the rest, so I am moving on for a second to somebody else...

SO, considering who I need to search for now are Rubini's, not Rubino's I was bored and I typed in rubini in the search bar and I got Sergio Rubini, who happens to be a director (maybe not famous, but hes done some good stuff, and was even in a little of The Passion of the Christ)
He is 6 years younger than my father, and Sergio was born in Grumo Appula (about 30 minutes from Bisceglie, where my great grandparents came from)
So question 1: In your personal opinion (dont worry, you can be skeptical, haha) Do you think Sergio could be a possible relative? Or is it a farfetched idea, considering Rubini is probably a much more common name in Italy, then here in America?
Question 2: Would I have to look up my great grandfathers brother/s and see if any stayed in Italy and that had a son (grandson, whatever) that matches Sergio? If that is the case dont I have to pay to know for sure who his brother/s were?

Sorry if that was hard to understand, I hope sombdoy can make some sense out of it.
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Re: Possible relation to an Italian director, Sergio Rubini?

Post by suanj »

RUBINI, as RUBINO is a common surname in Italy; and with a big rilevance in Apulia region also; so I believe that for your question, you can write in grumo Appula civil record office, and to ask the Certificato Storico di famiglia of your ancestor...
Personally I believe that no relationship with Sergio Rubino....
regards, suanj
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