Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by suanj »

No Peter, I don't believe that he was a stonwaway...
he gave me the impression of a weak, frail man... Perhaps much fussed in his childhood...

I don't think it was by wealthy family.. most likely had studied and graduated with money help of someone...
He was convinced to enrich patenting his invention... She didn't want to become famous, just enrich... because he has presented its patent in three different countries... but most prably the invention was not strabilioant... otherwise further infos abt this his italian patent..
I don't know if Southern Australia (SA) Genealogy and Heraldry Society Inc can help...
I believe that in Australia it could be helpful the process papers...
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by suanj »

again me: however Antonio Soro patented the his invention also in Canada:
Power Mechanism. Mécanisme de force moirice. Antonio Soro. Ballarat, Victoria, Australia, 13th May, £13: 6 years. Filed 29th June, 1912. Receipt No. 1,7 Claims. ... CCkQ6AEwAA

New Zealand ... CDAQ6AEwAQ
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by Lutherman »

New Zealand website: ... nd-patents

The patent abstract should become available in 2015, I have always had it since it is the first thing I saw on Soro, but I don't have the whole patent, or any other English version. Hopefully I can buy the English version in 2015. Before then I'd have to pay them to go look for it, also.

From the European/Worldwide patent site I today obtained Soro's French patent FR444881. Now I have two of his patents in French, since the Swiss version CH65794 is also in French, just different titles. I will have to compare them word for word.

The Canadian patent you found is also listed at this site but Canadian patents have to be ordered from Canada unless things have changed, but I should look again because it is titled "Power Mechanism" so it should be in English.
worldwide patent website:

Suanj, are there any birth records for Sardenia available on the internet?

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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by suanj »

it are so much Sardinia civil records available on line by website..
Italia, Cagliari, Cagliari, Stato Civile (Tribunale), 1866-1929

Italia, Nuoro, Nuoro, Stato Civile (Tribunale), 1866-1915

Italia, Olbia-Tempio, Tempio Pausania, Stato Civile (Tribunale), 1866-1910

Italia, Oristano, Oristano, Stato Civile (Tribunale), 1866-1940

lacking most part of Sassari province.. and I believe that Antonio coming from some commune of Sassari province...

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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by Lutherman »

This resource is a real gem. This is where I found all the articles about the murder, trial, sentencing, and deportation.

free site for Australian newspapers:

Today I found that while they still lived in Ballarat, Signor Cesare d'Albora and family attended the St. Alipius Roman Catholic Church where Cesare was a singer in the choir, a soloist often mentioned in newspaper notices. This church might have records regarding Antonio, his sister, or his mother. In Melbourne, the d'Alboras probably attended St. Joan of Arc's Church, New street, Brighton, where the funeral of Elena was held (see below). We now also know that she was buried at the New Cheltenham Cemetery.

I haven't found the mother's death notice yet, but I did find the sister's. The neighborhood is now called St. Kilda, it's a suburb of East Melbourne. The address mentioned is 500 feet from the ocean. All the Ballarat-era notices I saw called her husband "Signore Cesare d'Albora" or "Mr. C. d'Albora" but after moving to Melbourne he might have used "Charles":

The Argus, Melbourne
May 14, 1956, page 10
d'Albora.--On May 12. Elena Elizabeth, dearly loved wife of Charles d'Albora, of 210 St. Kilda street, Middle Brighton, and loving mother of Joseph, John, and Anita. --Requiescat in pace.
d'ALBORA. --Requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. ELENA ELIZABETH d'ALBORA will be celebrated at St. Joan of Arc's Church, New street, Brighton. TOMORROW (Tuesday),
at 9 a.m. The Funeral will leave at the conclusion of the Mass for the New Cheltenham Cemetery.
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by PeterTimber »

lutherman, Peter here, during my forays I came across the SA, Genealogy and heraldry Society in Adelaide, Unley rd. Unley SA 5061 (GPO BOX 592) who was one of sever al research agents listed for Adelaide and Darwin just incase you might want to connect for info.....just thought this as possible lead for you. They have no e-mail but do have a website. Peter
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by Lutherman »

"Sydney Morning Herald, 1946-03-05 p9 SORO GIOVANNI
I, GIOVANNI SORO, of Italian Nationality, born at Poggioreale, Prov. Trapani, and resident in Australia seven years, now residing at 170 Victoria Rd., Drummoyne, intend to apply for Naturalisation, under the Nationality Act, 1920-1936."

Poggioreale is only 100 miles from Santa Marina Salina, Messina, Italy where Suanj thinks the d'Alboras might have come from. This might be Antonio's father who has been missing up to now. Since we know he came to Australia in about1939, we should be able to find his age from passenger lists. or New South Wales province archives might be the place for that.

By the way, the most well-known d'Albora in this Australian branch has been credited with replacing the word "boatshack" with "Marina" in Australia. Which must have been good for business.
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by suanj »

I already searched also in Poggioreale 1884 births; here the index: ... 1338638001
nobody Soro..
1885: ... 1338638001
we need of more infos... abt Antonio Soro.. he lived and died in Australia.. some other info must be ...
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by Lutherman »

I have found a man named Giovanni Soro, which is the name of Antonio's father. He is on trial for conspiracy to incite riots in Siniscola, Sardenia in 1906. That's two years before Elena and Giuseppi Rinaldo d'Albora left for Australia, and three years before Antonio Soro and his mother left for Australia. The timing is interesting and might point to historical reasons why people wanted to leave Sardegna at that time.

The original Italian is at bottom, the English version is by google:

History of siniscola

For the riots of Siniscola 106 defendants sent for trial

Documents: the moments of the process

Nuoro, 20 This council chamber has sent 106 siniscolesi judgment for the events that took place in August this year. Only 82 of the defendants are in prison, while 74 are on the loose and many of whom are fugitives. This process presents immense difficulties, not having our city hall so vast, for criminal hearings. It 'so easy that the defendants be tried in groups, as they did in 99, when it adopted this measure for defendants in criminal conspiracy and aiding and abetting. BURCHIELLO. (70)

La Nuova Sardegna, Nuoro process on the motions of Siniscola

It 's easy for the discussion of the case for the riots of SINISCOLA, given the large number of the accused, the court works in two sections by adapting to the moment the hall of the Court of Assizes, where they will be judged the greatest number of the accused including those who have the most serious charges. While women and those who have minor charges will be judged in the courtroom. That case is likely to be discussed in the second fortnight of the month of November next Viva is the expectation throughout the district for a very interesting question. I will certainly darvene a comprehensive account. Burchiello (71)

L'Unione Sarda

The process of Siniscolesi (72)

Nuoro, 8 The process of siniscolesi, which includes 111 defendants, has been postponed to the 24th power. It will last until December 14 p.v. It was decided to judge all of the defendants in mass although they had great difficulties for the local where to place them. Even in this sense, they issued the citation that devensi days to ship to all defendants. But after it was decided to judge them in small groups, as happened in 99 for all those accused of aiding and abetting and conspiracy, in five separate lawsuits.

L'Unione Sarda

The process of Siniscola the first group (73)

Nuoro, 24 yesterday at the premises of the Assize Court had its beginning the trial against the first group consisted of 46 siníscolesi, accused of damaging qualified in the middle of fire, theft of documents interruption of telegraph wires, port abusive d 'weapon. Here are the names of the defendants: Corrias Nicholas, Pedestrian Salvatore, Salvatore Bellu, Pau Pasquale, Giovanni Soro, Bomboi Bernardo, Bomboi Lucca, Pau Michele, Panedda Gio.Maria, Pau Nicholas, Andrea Bomboi, Pau Ephisius, Camboni Pasquale, John Fronteddu. Baptist, Murru Pasquale, Carzedda Baptist, John Carzedda, Piredda Giovanni Maria, Antonio Grecu, Ruju Salvatore, Giuseppe Fiorentino, John Carzedda, Paper Pasquale, John Corda, Pau efisio known Mala Idea, Joy Salvatore Antonio Secchi, Giuseppe Cossu, Marras Augustine, Francesco Mele, Salvatore Goodness, Pau Pasquale, Carzedda Baptist Murru Cipriano, Cipriano Frau, Andrea Palomba, Selis Todd Joseph, Francesco Mele, Marras Gíov.Maria, Sannia Simone, Melai Gaetano, Luigi Joy, Pau Stanislaus, sit at the defense lawyers Pinna, Sebastiano Satta, Satta Brands, Offeddu, Cardia, Mastiff, Cossellu, Ganga Annico, presiding president Fernando Pinna. At the hearing yesterday, we proceeded in less than two hours in the interrogation of the accused. The trial holds little interest for the citizens of Nuoro, the classroom is deserted; Yesterday there were only three of Nuoro in the space reserved for the public. All defendants are innocent of the alleged destruction of the city hall: largely admitted only that he had armed by order of authority. The culprits according to the defendants, they would all be enjoying the freedom undisturbed. At the hearing, the lawyer Sebastiano Satta raised the incident to the homonymy of Selis Mulargia Joseph, and the court ordered that in respect of him and another Selis Joseph, not mentioned, is considered nothing in the order for reference judgment, recall actions relating to the prosecutor of the king, because according to Provide law.

70 The Nuova Sardinia, Sunday Monday, October 21
71 La Nuova Sardegna, 25 October 26
72 The Union of Sardinia, Monday, November 12, 1906
73 The Union of Sardinia, November 30


Storia di siniscola

Per i moti di Siniscola 106 imputati rimandati a giudizio

Documenti: i momenti del processo

Nuoro, 20 Questa camera di consiglio ha rimandato a giudizio 106 siniscolesi per i fatti avvenuti nell'agosto di quest'anno. Degli imputati solo 82 sono carcerati, mentre 74 sono a piede libero e di cui molti sono latitanti. Tale processo presenta immense difficoltà, non avendo la nostra città una sala tanto vasta, per le udienze penali. E' quindi facile che gli imputati vengano giudicati a gruppetti, come si fece nel 99, quando adottò tale misura per gli imputati a delinquere e favoreggiamento. Burchíello .(70)

La Nuova Sardegna, Nuoro Processo sui moti di Siniscola

E’ facile che per la discussione della causa per i moti di Siníscola, dato il gran numero degli accusati, il tribunale lavori in due sezioni adattando per il momento la sala della corte di assise, ove verranno giudicati il maggior numero degli accusati compresi coloro che più grave hanno la imputazione. Mentre le donne e coloro che hanno imputazioni lievi verranno giudicati nella sala del tribunale. Detta causa è probabile venga discussa nella seconda quindicina del mese di novembre p.v. Viva è l'attesa nell'intero circondario per l'interessantissima causa. Non mancherò di darvene un ampio resoconto. Burchiello(71)

L'Unione Sarda

Il processo dei Siniscolesi (72)

Nuoro, 8 Il processo dei siniscolesi, che comprende 111 imputati, è stato rimandato al 24 corrente. Durerà fino al 14 dicembre p.v. Era stato deciso di giudicare tutti gli accusati in massa sebbene grandi difficoltà si avessero per il locale dove collocarli. Pure in questo senso venne redatta la citazione che a giorni devensi spedire a tutti gli accusati. Ma dopo venne deciso di giudicarli a gruppetti, come avvenne nel 99 per tutti gli accusati di favoreggiamento e di associazione a delinquere, in cinque cause separate.

L'Unione Sarda

Il processo di Siniscola il primo gruppo (73)

Nuoro, 24. Ieri nei locali della corte d'assise ebbe principio il dibattimento contro il primo gruppo composto di 46 siníscolesi, imputati di danneggiamento qualificato a mezzo d'incendio, di sottrazione di documenti di interruzione di fili telegrafici, di porto abusivo d'arma. Ecco i nomi degli imputati: Corrias Nicolò, Pedone Salvatore, Bellu Salvatore, Pau Pasquale, Soro Giovanni, Bomboi Bernardo, Bomboi Lucca, Pau Michele, Panedda Gio.Maria, Pau Nicolò, Bomboi Andrea, Pau Efisio, Camboní Pasquale, Fronteddu Giov.Battísta, Murru Pasquale, Carzedda Battista, Carzedda Giovanni, Piredda Giovanni Maria, Grecu Antonio, Ruju Salvatore, Fiorentino Giuseppe, Carzedda Giovanni, Carta Pasquale, Corda Giovanni, Pau Efisío noto Mala Idea, Allegria Antonio Secchi Salvatore, Cossu Giuseppe, Marras Agostino, Mele Francesco, Bontà Salvatore, Pau Pasquale, Carzedda Battista, Murru Cipriano, Frau Cipriano, Palomba Andrea, Selis Todde Giuseppe, Mele Francesco, Marras Gíov.Maria, Sannia Simone, Melai Gaetano, Allegria Luigi, Pau Stanislao, Siedono alla difesa gli avvocati Pinna, Satta Sebastiano, Satta Marchi, Offeddu, Cardía, Mastino, Cossellu, Ganga Annico, presiede il presidente Fernando Pinna. Nell'udienza di ieri si procedette in meno di due ore agli interrogatori degli imputati. Il dibattimento desta scarso interesse nei cittadini di Nuoro, l'aula é spopolata; ieri vi erano solo tre nuoresi nello spazio riservato al pubblico. Tutti gli imputati si sono asserití innocenti delle distruzioni del municipío: in gran parte ammisero solo di essersi armati per ordine dell'autorità. I colpevoli secondo gli imputati, sarebbero tutti a godersi la libertà indisturbati. Nel corso dell'udienza l'avvocato Satta Sebastiano sollevò l'incidente per la omonimia di Selis Mulargia Giuseppe, e il tribunale ordinò che nei riguardi di costui e di un altro Selis Giuseppe, non citato, sia considerato nulla l'ordinanza di rinvio a giudizio, rimandano gli atti relativi al procuratore del re, perché provveda secondo legge.

70. La Nuova sardegna, domenica lunedì 21 ottobre
71. La Nuova Sardegna, 25 26 ottobre
72. L'Unione sarda, lunedì 12 novembre 1906
73. L'Unione sarda, 30 novembre
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by PippoM »

I don't know if you already found this: ... CB0Q6AEwAg

but it seems Antonio was mentioned in a parlamentary debate.
Maybe if you find the volumes, there's some more info about his case...
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by suanj »

Soro is a popular surname in Sardinia; I already searched also in 1884 Siniscola births here the index: ... ,244775301
nobody Antonio Soro...
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by PippoM »

I think I got lost in this long thread...anyway, I don't know if this has already been found or it can be of any is a document entitled "Belligerent Broken Hill Fighting the forced repatriation of allied aliens during World War I by Karen Agutter".
It states that "One particular incident reported in Hansard that attracted the attention of the Barrier Daily Truth was the order for the release from goal of Antonio Soro. . Soro had been serving a life sentence for the murder of state school teacher Patricia Angela Bickett but, having only served three and a half years of his sentence, had been released to Consul Eles to be repatriated to Italy to serve in the Italian Army.120 This article explicitly highlighted the desperate measures the Consul and the Australian authorities were willing to go to conscript Italians."
The original article is ‘Murderer released deported to Italy’ Barrier Daily Truth, 30 May 1918, 3.
I'm sorry, but I wasn't able to download the article from Barrier Daily Truth site, as I think it needs a subscription.
Hope this can be of help
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by Lutherman »


Antonio Soro made national headlines in Australia, all over the country, in many newspapers, on four separate occasions. The fourth was around May 24, 1918 when the newspapers learned he had been released from prison. The third was when he committed the murder and went on trial. The second was when he accused his financiers of stealing part of his invention. The first was when he disappeared, and then when he was found, he claimed he had been on a long airplane ride. This all started when his patent applications around the world were being accepted.

He had borrowed a lot of money to apply for patents in 18 countries and was desperate to get out of debt so his financiers would not take his invention away from him. Out of desperation, he pulls this airplane prank to get publicity for his invention. Then he claims they took his special part, but can't prove it. Then it seems he lost his mind and started stalking this girl.

I am awaiting word from the National Archives of Australia, they should be able to give me a general idea of what kind of information is in the six files they have that mention Antonio Soro. This is probably where we will find the information that is needed, since some of these are official security investigations in time of war, and should mention names and places, where he was from and who he was related to. It will take some time for them to respond, but should be within about two weeks or so.

If you want to read all the newspaper articles, they are here, no charge to download:
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by Lutherman »

I need help to understand Italian naming customs. For example, I see that the "surname" is written first. But is the surname of the mother sometimes written after that?

Here is an example. I found a marriage in Siniscola 1878 for "Pau Lai Salvatorangelo" and "Soro Bomboi Luizia Elisabetta". ... ,244619401

"Pau Lai Salvatorangelo" is "figlio del fu Salvatore... e di Lai Gavina Elena" and "Soro Bomboi Luizia Elisabetta" is "figlia del fu Giovanni ... e della vivente Bomboi Maria Lucrezia".

Please tell me if I understand this correctly. It looks like both men and women are using their mother's maiden name.

Rearranging the names to the modern form:

paternal grandfather = _____ Pau
maternal grandfather = _____ Lai
maternal grandmother = _____ Gavina
father = Salvatore Pau
mother = Elena Lai Gavina
self = Salvatorangelo Pau Lai, 31 years old so born about 1847

paternal grandfather = _____ Soro
maternal grandfather = _____ Bomboi
father = Giovanni Soro
mother = Maria Lucrezia Bomboi
self = Luizia Elisabetta Soro Bomboi, 17 years old so born about 1861

If I understand it correctly, different people would list the names differently, but I believe this is correct for this example. Does anyone have an opinion?

Other details if needed:
Groom: di anni trentuno; contadino, nato in questa; residente in questa; figlio del fu Salvatore, residente in questa, in vita;
of thirty-one years; farmer, born in this place; resident in this place; son of the late Salvatore, who lived in this place, in life;
Bride: di anni diciassette; casalinga, nato in questa; residente in questa; figlia del fu Giovanni, residente in questa, in vita;
of seventeen years; housewife, born in this; resident in this; daughter of the late John, residing in this, in life;

If I am correct, the late Giovanni Soro mentioned above would have been born between 1800 and 1840, approximately.
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Re: Antonio Soro born about 1885-1886

Post by PeterTimber »

lutherman in order to familiarize yourself with Italian naming customs you might want to read the article on the subject in this website by clicking on the ARTICLES that you see on the top band of this website page (It is usually 3rd from the left after forums) and then select Italian Naming Customs and Ramifications. Peter
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