Form letter and registering children

Over 25 million Italians have emigrated between 1861 and 1960 with a migration boom between 1871 and 1915 when over 13,5 million emigrants left the country for European and overseas destinations.
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Form letter and registering children

Post by socklessria »

My parents are Italian citizens and they never registered my birth certificate with the NYC Consulate. I tagged along with my Mom for an appointment at the Consulate and inquired about getting citizenship recognized if my Mom registered my birth certificate. The official told us it could be done if she got the paperwork in order. I was under the impression the NYC consulate no longer allows Italian citizens to register their adult children? Does anyone have any recent experience with this? Just curious.

In any case, I'm going to go ahead and submit it and cross my fingers! My Mom filled out the Registration of Vital Records form and I'm waiting on my Birth Certificate to be translated.

Of course I just came across a speed bump in this whole process. I was double checking everything against the information posted on the website when I noticed it states a copy of my parent's marriage certificate needs to be submitted. No where on the Registration of Vital Records Form does it say that it's needed.

My mom dug up her atto di matrimonio and it's in tatters. Taped up and falling apart. If it survives another bout of photocopying, it'll be a miracle. :(

I'd like to contact the comune and request another copy. I found an email address for the Anagrafe office. My problem is that my Italian isn't the greatest. Could someone post a form letter I can email? I would REALLY appreciate it. :) Thanks!
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Re: Form letter and registering children

Post by mler »

There are some letters posted in the template section of You may find something there. I know there is one for requesting a birth certificate. Perhaps you can adapt it.
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Re: Form letter and registering children

Post by Tessa78 »

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Re: Form letter and registering children

Post by johnnyonthespot »

I registered my then 23 year-old son's birth in this manner, in October, 2009. I provided only the application form, a photocopy of my Italian passport (page with signature and photo), and my son's Florida birth certificate with apostille and Italian translation.

Of course, my own marriage was already registered in Italy and both my wife and I are registered in the New York consulate's AIRE database.

If your mother's marriage is already registered, I see no reason why you need her marriage certificate at this time.

PS: My Italian citizenship jus sanguinis was recognized in July, 2008.

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Re: Form letter and registering children

Post by socklessria »

Thanks for all the help. I was able to find a form letter on one of the sites.
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